Misterton Village Survey

Results from the first Misterton Village Survey conducted on September 1st 2010

This plan has been prepared as a ‘living’ document capable of being constantly updated as circumstances and resources change.

It has been prepared under the leadership of your Parish Council with the active support and involvement of many villagers.

A survey was conducted within all the households of the village, yielding over 55% returns.

The plan is intended to respond to the issues raised by the community.

Our objective is to ensure that Misterton as a community addresses the concerns of the villagers and that our village continues to be developed as an ever increasingly attractive place in which to live.

The Responses

Total number of mentions: 880
Top 5 topics: 417 mentions = 47% of total
4 of the top 5 mentions refer to traffic and highway issues
Other items mentioned with a score of one for each

  • Village Directory on the Internet
  • Station Booking Office to remain open pm
  • Relocation of Village School to safer site
  • Regular Drain Clearance
  • Regular attention to local footpaths
  • Reg. Transport for elderly to Crewkerne Soc. Cen
  • Provision of water supply at allotments
  • Promotion of Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
  • Outdoor gym equipment for everyone (Dorchester)
  • Notice board at Northern end of village
  • More allotments
  • Improvement of access to Cemetery
  • Film club
  • Enhance approach to village with bulbs/flowers
  • Baby swing in Packers Way playground
  • Lengthsmen to keep village tidy



In 2008 temporary traffic lights were installed while road works were carried out. It so improved the conditions of safety and congestion that a traffic survey was conducted in January 2009 with a 23% return rate, it found that;

90% agreed that there should be a weight restriction on vehicles travelling through Misterton. The signage from the A37 Dorchester to Yeovil road states no HGV’s to use the A356 but on the A303 it is signed as an HGV route.

It would be useful if the signage were consistent!
60% thought that the 20mph zone should be extended.

BUT the most pressing priority for Misterton was traffic control. 80% of respondents together with comments from people in surrounding villages were of the opinion that traffic lights should be installed.

A survey on the volume of traffic through Misterton was also conducted in 2008, revealing that 350-500 HGV’s pass through Misterton daily.

In 2010 a Speed Watch survey confirmed that 400 vehicles per hour travel through Misterton.

Consultation findings from the survey revealed that the most pressing priority for Misterton residents was traffic control. No results can be achieved if individuals act in isolation, but now that we have a Village Plan we can come together in unison and talk as a group to the Local Authorities in the hope of some positive solutions.


Aim to achieve traffic control / calming in Misterton to improve safety and relieve Misterton of congestion.

ACTION- short term

The Parish Council Roads working Party will continue the dialogue with the Highways Department to improve the traffic conditions in the village. We intend to request regular reviews with Highways to promote Misterton as a special case in comparison with surrounding villages and suggest to them some achievable cost-effective and successful solutions. If this fails, we plan to seek help from higher authority.

ACTION- long term

A relief road will be built in Crewkerne to reduce congestion within the town in conjunction with the proposed CLR development. The road will meet the A30 in the proximity of Wadham School and emerge onto the A356 at the junction with Blacknell Lane Industrial Estate. This will inevitably lead to more traffic through Misterton which has already had to absorb traffic from the Maiden Beech development and the Bradford Mills development in the village.

In the long term, clearly a by-pass will be required. A partial by-pass is planned for Crewkerne with the CLR proposal. The residents of Misterton must insure that the CLR development also incorporates a vision for a link road for the relief of traffic in Misterton. This proposal has been registered in a consultation programme for the South Somerset Local Development Framework.

Result to date

The 30mph zone has been extended to the Cemetery and the 20mph zone is now supported by Vehicle Activated Signs to warn drivers when they are exceeding the speed limit (2014). 


The issue of parking in Middle Street was the next priority highlighted in the survey. There is a shortage of parking spaces in Misterton in general. Those living in Middle Street, not surprisingly, are in favour of parking. Others who live outside of Misterton are in favour of parking restrictions. The Middle Street residents would suffer considerable lifestyle and economic hardship if such restrictions were introduced. Middle Street residents already have to find parking in adjacent streets.

Furthermore when there are no cars parked along Middle Street we have experienced high speed and dangerous driving through the village. Clearly the parking has a double benefit!


Aim to maintain most of the present parking space and find further parking for residents and for the School.


To make enquiries as to and to approach landowners with space to spare or if that fails, examine the feasibility of compulsory purchase.


Misterton school children face a very hazardous conditions every day. There is no pavement by the school and the school exit is highly dangerous with no effective drop-off point for those children in parents’ transport. There is no space for dropping off and collecting the children from school.


To obtain a safe crossing for the school and to create a sustainable drop-off point.


We are negotiating and hoping that the 106 agreement with Betterment Homes for the Bradford Mills development will provide this very necessary priority.

Result to date

Betterment Homes has agreed to provide a pelican crossing for the school


Affordable housing was highlighted in the survey as being important.


To ensure that any future development in Misterton will include a proportion of affordable housing.


Betterment Homes has planned for some affordable housing in the proposed development at Bradfords Mill.

Result to date

Unfortunately Betterment Homes has had the requirement for 10 affordable homes at the Bradfords Mill development removed (end of 2014).


Due to the problems encountered during the harsh winters the Survey considered the placing of Grit Bins around the village to be important.


To provide Grit Bins and grit strategically located at danger spots.


To obtain quotes for and allocate sites for the bins in order that the Villagers can help themselves during icy conditions.

Result to date

Six grit bins have been installed around the village for villagers to use the grit on public footpaths and roads (2012).


As a direct result from the Village Survey the W.I hope to introduce a monthly luncheon club/coffee morning, open to all.

Result to date

The WI runs a monthly coffee morning .


Between 2002 and 2004 a Village Shop was planned, however due to location problems the initiative failed.

Although the idea of having a Village Shop was popular on the Village Survey, the general feeling among those who were involved before is that it would need a real entrepreneurial group to:

A) Find a location with parking
B) Find the money to start one up
C) Keep it going

Unless there is a group of people willing to take the initiative then it will not be viable.


To approach Misterton Garage in order to gauge their opinion on incorporating a shop within their premises.

Result to date

Misterton Garage is experimenting with selling milk and bread and other goods with a view to expansion. Subject to support.


Misterton is fortunate to have a toddler’s playground and a recreation ground. It also has a football and tennis club.

To find ways of providing facilities for older children in the village.

To request a MUGA facility as part of the Betterment Homes Section 106 agreement.

Result to date

A Multi Use Games Area has been installed on the Rec
with a Grand Opening on 28 June 2013.

What next?
The village Plan is now a permanent fixture on the Misterton Parish Council website (www.mistertonparishcouncil.org.uk)

The plan will hopefully serve as a credible base for information, proposals and action plans. It will be a forum for all members of the community to contribute and access.

The Village Plan provides everybody with a voice and the opportunity to express their opinions on what actions they wish to see taken in their local area, which will in turn help influence the policies and decisions of the future.

There will be from time to time a requirement for more Village Surveys. Now that the successful first survey and subsequent results are published, it is to be hoped that more and more participation from the community will be forthcoming to plan for the future prosperity of Misterton.

A Village Plan should never be finished, it is published online in order that it will be a living document with Misterton’s full commitment and community spirit behind it.


Comment on it
Respond to it
Question it

and above all…

Use it!

Yours Sincerely

The Parish Council