In September 2010 Misterton Parish has some 806 people in residence. Women outnumber men by 8% with a 417/389 split. The bulk of the homes are owner occupied (82%), with social housing representing 13% and private rental 5%. The population is projected to grow by 4% or 32 residents by 2014, if no major developments take place. The residents are predominately of white ethnic origin.

However, if the proposed housing estate on the former Bradford’s Mill site goes ahead, with some 100 houses or thereabouts, we could see a population increase of some 210 individuals (26%) which could have a major impact on village services. Given that the site is on the Crewkerne side of the village it is difficult to see where Misterton ends and Crewkerne begins, making it possible that movements could be away from the village.

Currently the population is highly skewed with over 38% of the residents being over the age of 55. On the other hand, approximately 15% are under the age of 15 (the village’s future we hope). It may be that the Bradford’s site will increase this latter figure, due to the proportion of houses allocated to affordable or starter homes.

Some 38% of the village is in a socio- economic group ABC1 (professional and managerial). Skilled manual workers (C2) are fairly high at 20%. Surprisingly, however, there are 5% of the residents on state benefits or unemployed.
The bulk of the residents of working age are employed by others, some 82%, with self-employment accounting for 8.5%. The number of full time students is very low (not over 1%). This breakdown is slightly higher than South Somerset overall.
Retired individuals represent 11% of the population, so overall Misterton has a lot more people in work.
However, income per household is generally low with some 23% having less than £17,000 per annum and 15% with £17,000 – £23,000 per annum. If we take the average national household’s income at £26,000, then 45% are below this average. This is surprising, given the socio- economic group split, but logical due to the semi- rural nature of the village.