
For many years the main source of information about events taking place in Misterton has been the monthly village magazine. Put together, printed and distributed by a willing band of volunteers, it is delivered free to every house in the Parish.

It is the medium by which the residents are made aware of forthcoming festivals, fetes, concerts, sales, bingos and the many other opportunities used by organizations to entertain and raise money for their particular cause.

Regular reports from the local School, Parish Council, W.I, and Churches are published, giving details of their significant dates, programs and services. Advertising by local firms and annual donations from village groups contributes towards the cost of production.

There are four notice boards in the village – a Parish Council board and a general Village board in Silver Street, a board outside the Hall in Middle Street which is used by the Parish Council and a board in the Old Mill Estate which is used by residents and the Parish Council.