Misterton Village Hall
The Village Hall stands adjacent to the Recreation Ground at the top of Unity Lane, off Middle Street (A356).
Built in 1975 for the benefit of the residents of Misterton, the Hall is a registered charity run by trustees. It does not receive any local authority funding but relies on hiring revenue and fundraising by volunteers for income. It hosts a wide range of village events throughout the year and is available for use by the surrounding communities by arrangement.
The Hall provides a venue for a range of recreational events, including wedding receptions, anniversaries, private parties, arts and craft fairs and bingos. Off-road parking is available in front of and behind the hall. The Hall has a number of groups using it throughout the week, including Karate, Table Tennis, Yoga and Dance.
Competitive hire rates include heating and lighting costs and use of the kitchen.
Booking the Hall
For further information, enquiries and bookings please contact:
Joan Sweetman 01460 74994 / 07753 164496
Hall Hire Booking Form
Please click on the link below to download a booking form in fillable PDF format and email the completed form to mistertonvillagehall@gmail.com.
Temporary Event Notice (TEN)
A Temporary Event Notice is required for ‘licensable activity’ eg selling alcohol. Consent must be obtained from the Village Hall Management Committee to give notice to the local authority for a TEN. Further information on TENs can be obtained Village Hall Committee. Please click on the following link for a fillable PDF form for obtaining consent and return the completed form to mistertonvillagehall@gmail.com.
Hall Hire Booking Conditions
Full hall hire booking conditions can be found by clicking on the following link.