Misterton PC Minutes 18.10.22

 Minutes of the Meeting of Misterton Parish Council 

Tuesday, 18th October 2022 at 6.30pm, @Sue’s Café, Station Road


Cllr Paul Bradly (Chair)    Cllr Leo Bacigalupo          Cllr Andrew Callow          Cllr Viv Rowe

Cllr Graham White          Cllr Abbie Rousell             Cllr Paul Gillard

In attendance

Jane Thicknesse (Clerk), County Councillor Steve Ashton & three members of the public  

Public Open Forum.

No items raised

22/235.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillor (County) Mike Best.

22/236.   Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests

Cllr G White declared an interest in agenda item 6e. (see Minute 22/240e.i.)

22/237.   Minutes of the meeting of 20th September 2022

The minutes of the meetings held on 20th September were resolved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed: Cllr G White                                Seconded: Cllr A Callow                               RESOLVED

22/238.   Matters Arising from Minutes

a. Gate for footpath at Turnpike Green – reported to Somerset County Council

b. Traffic Survey – Cllr S Ashton is pursuing and will report back.

               Action: Cllr S Ashton

c. Air Quality Survey – not possible to borrow the monitor from Crewkerne Town Council. Other options to be considered.

d. Station Road Development – statement expressing concerns submitted to the public consultation

e. Noticeboard for Recreation Ground for displaying Bye Laws – ordered

f. WI Hall – an application to list as a Community Asset has been sent to SSDC and receipt has been acknowledged. The date for a decision is unknown. (The WI Hall is due to be sold at auction on 20 October 2022 at 2pm by Symonds and Sampso.)

g. Parish Council Post Box – relocated on the gate post at Knowle House, Middle Street

h. Bus Shelter Cleaning – Helliars offered contract but no response. Clerk to follow up.

Action: Clerk

i. MERT Banking – Chairman met with MERTs prior to meeting and suggested that MERTS should become a formal sub-committee of the PC. This would enable the PC to legally hold MERT funds and assist with banking. Phil Clifton and Peter Marshall volunteered to be co-opted on to the Parish Council to assist with this sub-committee and other work.

Proposed: Cllr G White                                Seconded Cllr A Callow                                RESOLVED

Action: Clerk

j. Printer – new printer purchased.

22/239.   Reports

a. Report from County Councillors

Cllr Ashton reported that:

  • Work on the Local Community Networks (LCN) was progressing. A conference had been held at Westlands, Yeovil and an online public consultation had been held. Initial responses indicate the desire for the LCNs to be as small as possible and to have a definite identity. Once they are formed they will become a sub-committee of Somerset County Council with each parish having a representative.
  • Somerset County Council are continuing to appoint new executives and departments are gradually merging into central services.
  • Cllr Ashton was asked a variety of questions about access to the Wool Gardens development and also about the proposed ring road along the eastern edge of the development (linking Station Road with the A30), which was in the initial planning detail but now appears will not be built until 200 houses are built and occupied. This means that for the foreseeable future the only access to this development will be from Station Road. This is likely to have a considerable effect on the amount of traffic through Misterton.

b. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust

  • Post Office. Following a request from a resident the Chairman suggested that a regular visiting Post Office should be investigated.

Action: Clerk

  • Grass Cutting. Length of existing contract to be established and if necessary new bids to be sought.

Action: Clerk

  • Recreation Ground Emergency Signs. These are legally required and it was suggested that 8 were purchased for various locations.

Proposed: Cllr L Bacigalupo                        Seconded: Cllr A Rousell               RESOLVED

Action: Clerk

  • The CCTV equipment is currently located in the locked back room of the Village Hall.  During a recent maintenance visit it was suggested that the equipment is moved to a better location, the lilac tree in front of one of the cameras is trimmed back and that consideration is given to removing the barbed wire from the post with the cameras (and lights) and replacing it with anti-climb paint.

Action: Chairman/Clerk

  • Finance Working Group. Due to attend budget training on 21 October and set draft budget before the next full PC meeting.

Action: Finance Working Group/Clerk

  • Cemetery Working Group. Due to meet before the next full PC meeting.

Action: Cemetery Working Group

  • Asset Register/Insurance. Asset Register to be updated and checked against insurance policy. Location of strimmer to be sought.

Action: Chairman/Clerk

  • Village Questionnaire. The Chairman reported a reasonable return with a number of new activities being identified. Currently there is a shortage of suitable locations for these activities as the Village Hall is almost fully booked, the community room in Turnpike Green is unavailable and the WI Hall due be sold at a forthcoming auction and therefore future availability unknown. Work will continue to try to resolve.

b. Working Group Reports

Cemetery Working Group

  • A cleaning roster for the Chapel needs to be set up.

Action: Cemetery Working Group

  • The seat at the back of the Chapel is unrepairable and it was suggested that a budget of £500 was set to purchase one similar to the existing one in the cemetery.

Proposed Cllr G White                  Seconded: Cllr V Rowe                 RESOLVED

Action: Clerk

  • The hedge around the cemetery is being left to grow in order to produce a fuller boundary.

Road Working Group

  • A Road Working Group Meeting is to be held before the next full PC meeting.

Action: Road Working Group

22/240.   Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

a. Applications handled since last meeting


b. Determinations notified by SSDC since last meeting

22/02218/S73A at Catra House 8 Broughtons Drive Misterton – approved

c. New applications to be considered


d. Tree Applications


e. Other Planning Matters

i. 22/02750/PAMB – Mill Farm Lane – Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use from agricultural to dwelling house(s).


22/241.  Amenities

a. Misterton Village School

The Clerk reported that she had received no offers of homes for the piano and church pew that were being removed from the school. It was suggested that they could be advertised in the next edition of the Misterton Magazine.

Action: Clerk

22/242.  Highways and Footpaths

Nothing to report        

22/243.  Remembrance

a. Tommy Statue

No further action.

b. Remembrance Sunday

No details available

22/244.   Finance

a. To agree invoices

Voucher Description Supplier   Net VAT Gross
63 Payroll Cox and Co 17.50 3.50 21.00
59 Mobile (Aug) Tesco Mobile 17.99 17.99
71 Bank Fees HSBC 5.80 5.80
61 Postage Clerk 10.39 10.39
64 Clerk’s Salary Clerk 618.16 618.16
65 Grant Village Hall 500.00 500.00
66 Memberships SALC 278.45 278.45
70 Grass Cutting (Aug) KM Dike 221.00 44.20 265.20
67 Training SALC 25.00 25.00
68 Printer Cartridge People 111.56 22.31 133.87
69 External Audit PKF Litttlejohn 200.00 40 240.00
Total £2115.86


Proposed: Cllr A Rousell                              Seconded: Cllr V Rowe                  RESOLVED

 b. MUGA

A discussion about the state of the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) took place. It is now approximately 10 years old and may need resurfacing. Consideration should also be given to the lighting, including a better timing system and the use of more energy efficient bulbs.

Grants are possibly available and should be investigated.

Action: All

22/245.  AOB

Cllr White reported that he had attended the recent Village Hall meeting.  The pre-school numbers have fallen significantly and the resulting financial situation is causing concern for the future of the group.  Any support that the Parish Council could provide to the Committee would be greatly appreciated.  Immediate suggestions included setting up a website and providing an online calendar for bookings. The Chairman reported that he is scheduled to meet with the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee for further discussions about closely working together for the benefit of the village.

22/246.                Items for the next meeting

Any other items to be advised to the Clerk at least seven days ahead of the meeting.

22/247.                Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 15th November at 6.30pm – Location: Village Hall, Misterton.