Misterton PC Minutes 20.10.2020
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th October 2020
Remotely, via Zoom
Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair) Cllr Viv Rowe Cllr Brian McNeill
Cllr Abbie Rousell Cllr Leo Bacigalupo Cllr Graham White
In attendance
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), County and District Councillor Mike Best.
20/063. Public Open Session
No members of the public present.
20/064. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Restorick (technology issues), Cllr Callow (unwell) and Cllr Gillard (away).
20/065. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
20/066. Minutes of the meetings held on 15th September 2020
The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record of the meetings, to be signed at the first face to face meeting.
Proposed: Cllr Rousell Seconded: Cllr Rowland RESOLVED
20/067. Matters Arising from Minutes
None raised.
20/068. Reports
- Report from County Councillor & District Councillor
Cllr Best reported that:
- The Crewkerne and Ilminster Schools reorganisation proposal was due before Somerset County Council cabinet the following day, where it would likely be decided to proceed with consultation as the next step. Cllr Best was aware there was strong opposition in the village to the proposed closure of Misterton First School and encourage people to respond accordingly to the consultation once opened;
- The government’s white paper on planning could have significant implications locally, amounting to automatic planning permissions for certain sites; much still unclear but would be watching closely.
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust
Cllr Rowland reported that:
- The weight restriction at the Middle Street bridge had come into force, but was being ignored by many vehicles. Some residents had been sending details to the Clerk to send to Highways who were ringing haulage companies to advise;
- The Covid-19 emergency support team was still in place for those needing assistance;
- A suggestion to plant purple crocus corms at the ‘Misterton’ stone on the corner of Silver Street was agreed.
20/069. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
- No applications or determinations
- 19/02416/FUL – Appeal in respect of Land Adjacent to Knowle Lane, Misterton
After some discussion, it was agreed that no additional comments would be submitted, noting that the Planning Inspector already had access to existing comments made on the application.
- To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan ‘kick off’ meeting held with Crewkerne Town Council
Cllr Bacigalupo reported that the meeting had been very positive although the process could potentially be elongated by covid restrictions preventing public consultation in the usual way. Cllr Bacigalupo agreed to continue leading this process on behalf of MPC and begin collating suggestions for inclusion in the plan. Clerk would seek comments and ideas in Misterton Magazine article this month, and Cllr Bacigalupo would liaise with Crewkerne Town Council over the next steps.
20/070. Highways & Footpaths
- To consider future works for the Parish Ranger
- To trim back brambles on path between Silver Street and Newbery Lane
- To review meeting held with Somerset County Council Traffic Engineer and agree parking proposals for submission
Cllr White reported that the Traffic Engineer had attended a site meeting and walked the length of the village to investigate the various proposals put forward by the Parking Working Group. Members considered the Clerk’s report, which summarised and grouped the various proposals according to the Engineer’s response. It was agreed to submit the following proposals for the next stage at County Council level:
- Request for all road markings, including slow signage, bus stop signage, double yellow lines and junction markings to be refreshed, from the end of Station road to junction with Silver street as well as junction of Silver Street with Newbery Lane and junction of Silver Street with Turnpike;
- Request for 10m double yellow lines junction protection either side of Old Mills/Station Road junction;
- Request for 10m double yellow lines junction protection each side of the junction of Broughtons Drive with Station Road;
- Request for double yellow lines between Misterton Garage and Unity Lane.
Members noted that these requests might not necessarily progress any further and would be subject to further review by Highways and consultation with the public. It was noted that all proposals relating to the area around the school would not be considered while the future of the school was under review.
Proposed: Cllr I Rowland Seconded: Cllr A Rousell RESOLVED
- To consider suggestions regarding Quiet Road Status for Cathole Bridge Road
Clerk to seek advice from Highways regarding viability of this proposal.
20/071. Amenities
- To receive the cemetery inspection report
Members noted the latest inspection report and the circulated pricing from the contractor for various ad hoc jobs. Agreed to pursue the one off tidy up and ask for pricing for scrub and stump removal at site of new gate.
- To receive an update on the cemetery gateposts project
The Clerk had undertaken various meetings with architects and contractors and was waiting for quotes to be returned.
- To consider proposals from Somerset County Council relating to area schools reorganisation
Members noted recent proposals circulated to parents about the proposed from a three to two tier school system in the area, which included a proposal to close Misterton First School. Cllr Best emphasised that the Cabinet decision to go out to formal consultation on this had not yet been taken. Members agreed to monitor this closely and revisit at November meeting to agree a response to the consultation once open. Members were concerned by various assumptions made in the original report, including the red/amber building condition report which should have been upgraded following significant works over the summer.
Action: Clerk to put this issue on November Parish Council agenda.
20/072. Finance and Procedure
- To agree invoices for payment and to note regular payments
Voucher | Payee | Details | VAT | Total Payment incl VAT |
259 | Cox & Co | Payroll services | £ 3.50 | £ 21.00 |
260 | Vodafone | Clerk’s telephone | £ – | £ 22.11 |
261 | Staff | Salary/ies | £ – | £ 581.10 |
262 | K Sheehan | Payrise/expenses | £ 1.47 | £ 71.82 |
263 | K M Dike | Cemetery | £ 44.20 | £ 265.20 |
264 | SLCC | NP book | £ 0.80 | £ 29.30 |
265 | SALC | Training | £ – | £ 30.00 |
266 | Crewkerne Rotary | Crocus donation | £ – | £ 50.00 |
Total VAT to reclaim | £ 49.97 | |||
TOTAL | £ 1,070.53 |
Proposed: Cllr Rowland Seconded: Cllr Rowland RESOLVED for payment
Receipts, bank reconciliation and list of reserves held all noted.
- To agree supplier and installation arrangements for the Silver Street defibrillator
Cllr Rowland agreed to approach Crewkerne Hospital League of Friends to confirm they would still cover the small shortfall, and it was proposed and agreed to proceed with the Community Heartbeat Trust package, including the Emergency Telephone package. By proceeding with the CHT, BT would cover and guarantee the power supply to the kiosk for 7 years.
Proposed: Cllr McNeill Seconded: Cllr Rowe RESOLVED
20/073. Items for the next meeting
To be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.
20/074. Date and location of next meeting
The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 17th November 2020, 6.30pm, via Zoom.