Misterton PC Minutes 20.09.22
Minutes of the meeting of Misterton Parish Council
Tuesday, 20th September 2022 at 6.30pm, Misterton WI Hall
Cllr Paul Bradly (Chair) Cllr Leo Bacigalupo Cllr Andrew Callow Cllr Viv Rowe
Cllr Graham White Cllr Abbie Rousell
In attendance
Jane Thicknesse (Clerk), County Councillor Steve Ashton & five members of the public
One Minute Silence in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth II
Appointment of New Clerk
Proposed: Cllr A Rousell Seconded: Cllr A Callow RESOLVED
Public Open Forum.
- Two members of the public spoke about the closure of the WI Hall.
- One member of the public asked about the lifestyle questionnaire and GDPR.
22/223. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Paul Gillard (Personal) and Councillor (County) Mike Best.
22/224. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
22/225. Minutes of the meeting of 19th July 2022
The minutes of the meetings held on 19th July were resolved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: Cllr G White Seconded: Cllr L Bacigalupo RESOLVED
22/226. Matters Arising from Minutes
- Confirmation that Misterton School would be re-opening as a special communication needs school in September 2023. Up to 15 pupils (10 at a time). Hall will be available for public use in the evenings.
- Co-opted members for the PC are still sought. It was suggested that residents could be co-opted onto working groups (but not have to be full members of the PC.)
Proposed: Cllr P Bradly Seconded: Cllr G White RESOLVED
- Gate for footpath at Turnpike Green – see minute 22/231 below
22/227. Reports
a. Report from County Councillors
Cllr Ashton reported that:
- Somerset County Council are planning on establishing Local Community Networks (LCN). Proposal is out for consultation and a conference is planned for 4 October.
- Somerset County Council have recently appointed a new Chief Executive, Duncan Sharkey.
- Taunton Park and Ride have re-started charges (£1 each way) after their suspension during the roadworks along the Tone Way.
- Mr Mohammed Saddiq has recently been appointed as HM Lord Lieutenant of Somerset.
- Somerset County Council have purchased several electric mini buses which are available for hire.
b. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust
- The Chairman thanked Cllr White and Cllr Callow for fixing the electrical problem on the MUGA.
- There has been a marked increase in dog fouling throughout the village and on the Recreation Ground.
- After a season of exceptional growth there are a lot of overhanging trees and bushes which are causing inconvenience. Residents are requested to check their own boundaries and cut back where required.
c. Working Group Reports
Cemetery Working Group
- Books of Condolence for HM Queen Elizabeth II had been placed in St Leonards and the Cemetery Chapel. Total number of signatories was 33.
- Approximately 100 people had attended the Moment of Reflection for HM The Queen on Turnpike Green at 7.55pm on Sunday 18th
- Proposal for Cemetery Business Plan to be adopted
Proposed Cllr G White Seconded: Cllr A Rousell RESOLVED
- Proposal for Cemetery Business Plan Recommendations to be adopted:
- It is recommended that MPC should investigate the drainage/water basis of planning refusal asap without causing great expenditure. The solution needs to be simple and cheap.
- If approved the extension should not be used until needed, avoiding grass cutting and allowing continued sheep grazing.
- The charges should be assessed and amended in keeping with increased costs.
- Headstone maximum height should be limited to 4 ft to restrict risks of danger from higher headstones toppling.
- The next grass cutting contract must be transparent. All cuts need to be recorded.
Proposed: Cllr A Rousell Seconded Cllr A Callow RESOLVED
Road Working Group
- Cllr P Gilliard to take the lead for SID project
- Concern about the potential increase in traffic volume as a result of three major developments. SSDC requested to arrange for a Traffic Survey to create a baseline.
Action: Cllr S Ashton
- Request for an Air Quality Survey. Clerk to investigate.
Action: Clerk
- Public Consultation for Station Road Development ends on 23 September 2022. Clerk to respond with following wording:
Misterton Parish Council has considerable concerns about this development, particularly the additional traffic which will potentially greatly affect the village of Misterton. If the development is permitted to go ahead, the proposed ring road along the eastern edge of the Wool Gardens development (linking Station Road with the A30), must be built to help alleviate this problem.
Action: Clerk
22/228. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
a. Applications handled since last meeting
- 22/02218/S73A at Catra House 8 Broughtons Drive Misterton – supported
b. Determinations notified by SSDC since last meeting
c. New applications to be considered
d. Tree Applications
e. Other Planning Matters
- Station Road Development – see above
22/229. Cost of Living Crisis – Warm Hubs
SCC have circulated a questionnaire asking what provision parishes are making to provide warm spaces for people this winter. Councillors in full agreement that help should be provided but it is dependent on volunteers and suitable available spaces.
Action: Clerk and Chairman
22/230. Amenities
a. WI Hall
- Re-location of PC post box from WI Hall. Cllr Bradly offered for the post-box to be placed on a gate post at the front of his house.
Proposed: Cllr V Rowe Seconded: G White RESOLVED
Action: Cllr G White and Cllr A Callow
- A discussion about the forthcoming sale of the WI Hall took place after which it was agreed to re-submit the WI Hall as a Community Asset under the Localism Act 2011.
Proposed: Cllr A Rousell Seconded: G White RESOLVED
Action: Chairman
b. Village Questionnaire
The Chairman reported that there had been a good return rate (10%). More details and way forward in due course.
c. Noticeboards
There is a requirement for three new noticeboards: Recreation Ground (to display byelaws), cemetery (replacement) and Packers Way (replacement). A budget of £500 was agreed to purchase a suitable one for the Recreation Ground.
Proposed: Cllr A Callow Seconded: Cllr V Rowe RESOLVED
Action: Clerk
It was agreed that the board (jointly owned by the Parish Council and WI) which is currently located outside the WI Hall is to be re-located on the grass on the corner of Silver Street and the A356.
Action: Cllr G White and Cllr A Callow
d. Bus Shelters
It was agreed to accept the G A Hellliar Cleaning Company quote of £30 + VAT (per shelter) for cleaning the bus stops every six months.
Proposed: Cllr L Bacigalupo Seconded: Cllr A Rousell RESOLVED
Action: Clerk
22/231. Highways and Footpaths
The gate at the end of footpath at Turnpike Green (CH20/4 by the A3066) is damaged and needs replacing.
Action: Clerk
22/232. Finance
a. To agree invoices
Voucher | Description | Supplier | Net | VAT | Gross | |
48 | Payroll | Cox and Co | 17.50 | 3.50 | 21.00 | |
42 | Mobile (Aug) | Tesco Mobile | 17.99 | 17.99 | ||
53 | Mobile (Sep) | Tesco Mobile | 17.99 | 17.99 | ||
56 | Cemetery Chapel | Adams Locks | 135.00 | 135.00 | ||
58 | Stationery | Clerk | 10.98 | 10.98 | ||
60 | Cemetery Elec. | E.On Next | 42.51 | 2.13 | 44.64 | |
46 | Clerk’s Salary | Clerk | 65.04 | 65.04 | ||
47 | Clerk’s Expenses | Postage | 3.40 | 3.40 | ||
51 | Clerk’s Expenses | Postage | 4.75 | 4.75 | ||
49 | Grass Cutting (Aug) | KM Dike | 221.00 | 44.20 | 265.20 | |
50 | Laptop Security | Norton | 79.16 | 15.83 | 94.99 | |
57 | Grass Cutting | KM Dike | 221.00 | 44.20 | 265.20 | |
38 | Room Hire | WI Hall | 63.40 | 63.40 | ||
59 | Mobile (Oct) | Tesco Mobile | 17.99 | 17.99 | ||
Total | £1027.57 |
Proposed: Cllr A Rousell Seconded: Cllr V Rowe RESOLVED
b. Grass Cutting
This is a major expense with prices likely to rise. It was suggested that the situation is carefully monitored (all cuts recorded) and alternative contractors be considered.
c. Grants
In 2018 a £500 grant was established by the Parish Council which could be applied for by any resident for a particular project. It was suggested that the £500 grant was given to the Village Hall to help with their program of work to bring the hall back to a good standard of repair.
Proposed: Cllr A Rousell Seconded: Cllr V Rowe RESOLVED
Action: Clerk and Chairman
d. MERT Banking
Currently Misterton Parish Council act as a bank for MERT. It was suggested that they should be responsible for their own banking and money transferred to them.
Proposed: Cllr A Callow Seconded: Cllr L Bacigalupo RESOLVED
Action: Clerk and Chairman
e. Printer
The Clerk requested a replacement printer. A £100 budget to purchase was agreed.
Proposed: Cllr P Bradly Seconded: Cllr G White RESOLVED
Action: Clerk
22/233. Items for the next meeting
Any other items to be advised to the Clerk at least seven days ahead of the meeting.
22/234. Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 18th October, 6.30pm – Location tbc.