Misterton PC Minutes 19.10.2021
Minutes of the meeting of Misterton Parish Council
Tuesday, 19th October at 6.30pm, Misterton WI Hall
Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair) Cllr Abbie Rousell Cllr Geoff Restorick
Cllr Andrew Callow Cllr Paul Gillard Cllr Viv Rowe
Cllr Brian McNeill
In attendance
Louise Stobbs (Clerk), Two members of the public.
Public Open Forum
Members of the public in attendance at the meeting raised the following issues;
- Speeding in the 20MPH zone
- Signs laying on the grass on the triangle at Knowle Lane.
- Issues regarding the District Council
21/079. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Graham White and Cllr Leo Bacigalupo (Both Personal)
21/080. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
21/081. Minutes of the meeting of 21st September
The minutes of the meetings held on 21st September were resolved as a true and accurate record.
Proposed: Cllr I Rowland Seconded: Cllr P Gillard RESOLVED
21/082. Matters Arising from Minutes
None raised.
21/083. Reports
- Report from County Councillor & District Councillor
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust
21/084. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
- DETERMINATIONS: Appeal with regards to refused planning Ref 20/01086/OUT, dated 26 March 2020. Appeal Ref: APP/R3325/W/21/3271661 – Site to the South of Crewkerne Station, Misterton, Crewkerne TA18 8AU – has been dismissed
- Update on the cemetery planning – Application of change of use has to be submitted to be approved before consecration can take place of gifted land.
21/085. Highways & Footpaths
- To consider future works for the Parish Ranger
Members requested that the top of Mill Lane be strimmed and the overgrown vegetation by the noticeboards
- To consider to empty gullies around the village
MERT had started to check some of the gullies and sending reports of blocked ones also Cllr Rowland reported one blocked near Little Plot on Silver street and Cllr Callow reported the two drains next to the old phone box and the one opposite and just down.
Actions: Clerk to write to Highways on behalf of Parish Councillors.
- Letters to residents regarding overgrown Vegetation
Action: Clerk to write to residents on behalf of the Parish Council
- Dangerous wall noted in village
Action: Cllr Rousell to provide address and Clerk to write to residents on behalf of the Parish Council
- Street Lights out on Turnpike Green and The Avenue
Action: Cllr Rowe to provide Clerk with more information and Clerk to follow up potential these are owned by Abri
- To check grit bins before winter
Cllr Rowland confirmed the ones he checked were full
21/086. Amenities
- To receive the cemetery inspection report
From cemetery inspections it has been alerted that a load test is required on each headstone, every 5 years, standard check policy to be obtained. Plot enquiry for the extension, application for change of use has been submitted the consecration costs agreed at the previous meeting to take place when application approved.
Action: Clerk to obtain standard check policy for cemetery headstones.
- To receive an update on the gateposts project
Bids in place from contractors and no planning needed. Traffic lights needed for works to go ahead. Yew tree to receive a big haircut for access and visibility. Project still in WIP but noted that the construction sector was extremely busy at present.
Action: Clerk to follow up on bids for gateposts project and report to council for approval.
- To consider correspondence regarding participation in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons project 2022
Action: Clerk to find a suitable time for Cllr Callow and Cllr White to meet with the landowner representative.
- Missing Dog Bin on station road (Broughtons Drive)
Action: Clerk to make contact with supplier to get a price and as long as it is around the £150 price mark to go ahead and organise.
21/087. MERT working group
Cllr Rowland has suggested that a wallet card with the emergency numbers and costs approx £20 for 500.
Action: Cllr Rowland to confirm costings
21/088. Finance and Procedure
- To agree invoices for payment
Voucher | Payee | Details | VAT | Total Payment incl VAT |
334 | Tesco Mobile | Parish mobile | £ – | £ 17.99 |
335 | Cox & Co | Payroll services | £ 3.50 | £ 21.00 |
336 | Staff | Salary (pre-payrise) | £ – | £ 581.10 |
337 | KM Dike | Cemetery grass cut | £ 44.20 | £ 265.20 |
338 | Fern Garden Tree SVS | Cemetry Tree Works | £ 912.00 | |
339 | SSDC Ranger Service | £ – | £ 492.84 | |
340 | P. Clitton | rechargeable lanterns (MERT) | £ 41.73 | |
VAT to reclaim | £ 47.70 | |||
TOTAL | £ 2,331.86 |
Due to cross over on clerk posts, August finances presented for approval. Standard monthly direct debits processed and full finance report to be updated and reported at next meeting.
Action: Clerk to update finance reports.
- Money from Misterton Fete Committee
Once money received it is to be used for grants and advertised in the Magazine.
- Village Action Group
Once money received it is to be used for grants and advertised in the Magazine.
Cllr Rowe reported the village action group raised £446 from village sale and donated £200 to the pre school. Remaining balance to go to good village causes to enhance and improve the village. Councillors thanked the village action group for the donation and will give thought to where the donation will be allocated. Next village sale 27/11/21 at village hall & all tables are sold.
Action: Clerk to make contact with village action group to give our thanks and discuss donation.
21/089. Items for the next meeting
Any other items to be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.
21/090. Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 16th November, 6.30pm – Misterton WI Hall.