Misterton PC Minutes 19.01.2021

 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19th January 2021

Remotely, via Zoom



Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair)                 Cllr Viv Rowe                                 Cllr Abbie Rousell

Cllr Leo Bacigalupo                        Cllr Graham White                          Cllr Paul Gillard

Cllr Andrew Callow                          Cllr Geoff Restorick                        Cllr Brian McNeill

In attendance

Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), County and District Councillor Mike Best.


21/001.                 Public Open Session

No members of the public present.


21/002.                 Apologies for absence



21/003. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests



21/004.                 Minutes of the meeting on 15th December 2020 and to correct an error in the minutes of 1st December 2020

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th December were approved as a true and accurate record of the meetings, to be signed at the first face to face meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st December were amended at 20/090 to say £3010 instead of £3090.

Proposed: Cllr G Restorick                           Seconded: Cllr B McNeill                                              RESOLVED


21/005.                 Matters Arising from Minutes

None raised.


21/006.                 Reports

  1. Report from County Councillor & District Councillor

Cllr Best reported that:

  • Somerset County Council has been notified of the legal challenge regarding the proposed closure of Misterton First School – further dates for formal consultation were likely to be announced in the near future;
  • District Council planning officers have been delegated to support the vaccination roll out;
  • Covid support grants for businesses were still available from SSDC.
  1. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust

Cllr Rowland reported that:

  • The new pavement works had been finished and the improved surfaces were welcome (Councillor Best confirmed that the remainder of the pavement surfaces from Unity Lane – School Hill were deferred due to budget constraints);
  • The closure of the road for bridge repairs is still expected to take place in February;
  • The village Emergency Team has acquired a supply of reusable sandbags (at no cost to the Council) and will be liaising with riparian owners throughout the village regarding distribution;
  • The new Silver Street defibrillator was now fully functional and more information on the Village Emergency Telephone System (VETS) would be circulated in due course.


21/007.                 Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

  1. Applications – none.
  2. Determinations – none.
  3. To consider a proposal to withdraw from the Neighbourhood Plan with Crewkerne Town Council

Further to discussions in the previous Parish Council meeting a formal motion to withdraw from the joint Neighbourhood Plan was proposed, seconded and duly RESOLVED.

Proposed:  Cllr I Rowland                             Seconded: Cllr L Bacigalupo                                        RESOLVED

Action: Clerk to write to Crewkerne Town Council to advise them accordingly.  Cllr Best to ask Crewkerne Town Clerk to request removal of Misterton from the joint plan designation at SSDC.


21/008.                 Highways & Footpaths

  1. To consider future works for the Parish Ranger

As per specification.


21/009.                 Amenities

  1. To receive the cemetery inspection report

Members noted the latest inspection report.   The Clerk confirmed that several reports of a tent in the cemetery had been received and at the PC’s request, the PCSO had visited and been unable to find any signs of anyone living or using the tent.  The tent had now been removed.  The Clerk was asked to investigate the grazing situation for the coming year.  As plots were sold, each letter of sale would reserve the right to continue grazing all/part of the cemetery extension.


21/010.                 Finance and Procedure

  1. To agree invoices for payment and to note regular payments
280 Community Heartbeat Trust VETS activation fee  £                                       9.00  £       54.00
281 Cox & Co Payroll  £                                       3.50  £       21.00
282 Tesco mobile Phone  £                                           –  £       17.99
283 Vodafone Dongle  £                                           –  £         2.89
284 Greenslade Taylor Hunt Cemetery plans  £                                      72.30  £     433.82
285 Staffing Salary/ies  £                                           –  £     581.10
286 K Sheehan Exp/mileage  £                                           –  £       18.68
287 K M Dike Cemetery grass  £                                      44.20  £     265.20


Proposed: Cllr I Rowland              Seconded: Cllr A Rousell                               RESOLVED for payment

Receipts, bank reconciliation and list of reserves all noted, no questions raised.

  1. To consider budget requirements for 2021/22 financial year and set the precept

A draft budget document had been circulated.  It was proposed to set the precept at £22968 for the forthcoming financial year.

Proposed: Cllr A Callow                Seconded: Cllr I Rowland                              RESOLVED

Action: Clerk to notify the SSDC as the billing authority.

  1. To agree the purchase of replacement consumables for the defibrillator at the station

Members noted that the battery and pads were nearing the end of their ‘use by’ dates.  Cllr Rowland reported that it would cost between £150- 200 to replace.  The purchase was agreed.


21/011.                 Items for the next meeting

To be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.


21/012.                 Date and location of next meeting

The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 16th February 2021, 6.30pm, via Zoom.