Misterton PC Minutes 17.11.2020
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 17th November 2020
Remotely, via Zoom
Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair) Cllr Viv Rowe Cllr Brian McNeill
Cllr Abbie Rousell Cllr Leo Bacigalupo Cllr Graham White
Cllr Paul Gillard Cllr Andrew Callow Cllr Geoff Restorick (by telephone for first item only)
In attendance
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), County and District Councillor Mike Best.
20/075. Public Open Session
No members of the public present.
20/076. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Restorick for the remainder of the meeting, having had technological issues after joining by telephone.
20/077. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
20/078. Minutes of the meeting held on 20th October 2020
The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record of the meetings, to be signed at the first face to face meeting.
Proposed: Cllr McNeill Seconded: Cllr Rowland RESOLVED
20/079. Matters Arising from Minutes
None raised.
20/080. Reports
- Report from County Councillor & District Councillor
Cllr Best reported that:
- The Crewkerne and Ilminster Schools reorganisation proposal was now out to consultation, with a closing date of December 11th.
- The latest County Council roadworks plan was showing works to pavements timetabled for mid-January. Cllr Best would seek clarification over whether this was the planned SIS bid from two years’ ago.
- It was anticipated that some repair works to the bridge by the Globe Inn would also start in January.
- The village Emergency Response Team were still co-ordinating support requests from villagers and looking at various issues with the stream.
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust
Cllr Rowland reported that:
- The weight restriction at the Middle Street bridge remained in force, with many HGVs violating the restriction on a daily basis. Thanks were recorded to all residents who had been supplying photographs of these vehicles. The Police were now requiring photographs to be uploaded by the person taking the photographs. Concerns had been raised with the Chair by North Perrott Parish Council about the impact of rerouted HGVs.
- Crocus corms had now been planted around the Misterton stone.
20/081. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
a. Neighbouring Parish Consultation – 20/00149/REM Southern Phase of Crewkerne Key Site
Cllr Best reported that although the developers were keen to start, all large planning applications were currently on hold, pending a response from Wessex Water to the identified phosphates issue in the District.
b. Determinations – none.
c. To receive an update on progress with the Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Bacigalupo reported that he had continued to read up on the processes involved with developing a Neighbourhood Plan and had received several responses to the Misterton Magazine article requesting residents’ views. Concerns had been raised about whether it was in the interests of the village to progress this; particularly whether the interests of Misterton would be ignored in favour of Crewkerne as the larger settlement. Cllr Best offered to revisit the financial information about the CIL/S106 uplifts conferred by a Neighbourhood Plan. After some discussion, Members agreed to continue exploring the early stages of the process at present, but mindful that if at any point it does not seem be in Misterton’s best interests to continue, they would not hesitate to withdraw.
20/082. Highways & Footpaths
a. To consider future works for the Parish Ranger
As per specification.
b. To note a request for a replacement bin at Turnpike Green has been submitted to SSDC
Replacement bin at a cost of £215 +VAT was agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Rowland Seconded: Cllr Rowe RESOLVED
20/083. Amenities
a. To receive the cemetery inspection report
Members noted the latest inspection report. The contractors were due on site in the next two days to complete tidy up as previously agreed. It was noted that the fence bordering the extension was in much worse condition than previously thought, Cllr White had kindly cleared some areas to investigate further. Cllr Rowland reported that he would speak to the Rector about consecration of the new chapel side.
b. To consider an estimate for digital mapping of the cemetery extension
Estimate received from Greenslade Taylor Hunt was agreed, as felt would be worth getting an accurate plan drawn up.
Proposed: Cllr Callow Seconded: Cllr McNeill RESOLVED
c. To receive an update on the cemetery gateposts project
The Clerk had undertaken various meetings with architects and contractors, one architect had finished quoting and one more quote was awaited.
d. To consider the Parish Council’s response to the SCC consultation relating to Crewkerne area schools’ reorganisation and proposed closure of Misterton First School (MFS).
Members noted that a Misterton-specific SCC consultation meeting was being held the following day. The Clerk had prepared a draft response opposing the closure of MFS but would hold onto it in case anything significant came to light during the meeting. Cllr Rowland agreed to represent the Parish Council and attend this meeting.
20/084. Finance and Procedure
a. To agree invoices for payment and to note regular payments
Voucher | Payee | Details | VAT | Total Payment incl VAT |
267 | Community Heartbeat trust | Defib & VETS payment | £ – | £ 2,240.00 |
268 | Cox & Co | Payroll services | £ 3.50 | £ 21.00 |
269 | Vodafone | Parish telephone | £ – | £ 22.11 |
270 | Staffing | Salary/ies | £ – | £ 581.10 |
271 | K Sheehan | Expenses | £ – | £ 29.38 |
272 | K M Dike | Cemetery grass cut | £ 44.20 | £ 265.20 |
273 | Allen Computers | LiveDrive subs – 2 years | £ 15.00 | £ 90.00 |
Total VAT to reclaim | £ 62.70 | |||
TOTAL | £ 3,248.79 |
Proposed: Cllr Rousell Seconded: Cllr Rowland RESOLVED for payment
Receipts, bank reconciliation and list of reserves held all noted.
b. To consider budget requirements for 2021/22 financial year and set the precept
A draft budget document had been circulated. As the tax base would not be available until mid-December it was agreed to further review the budget at the December meeting.
20/085. Items for the next meeting
To be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.
20/086. Date and location of next meeting
The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 15th December 2020, 6.30pm, via Zoom.