Misterton PC Minutes 17.05.2022 (APM, AGM and May Meeting)

 Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, Annual Parish Council Meeting and May monthly meeting of Misterton Parish Council 

Tuesday, 17th May 2022 at 6.30pm, Misterton WI Hall


Cllr Iain Rowland (Outgoing Chair & Councillor)   Cllr Paul Bradly (Chair)                                                   Cllr Brian McNeill             Cllr Andrew Callow          Cllr Viv Rowe

Cllr Graham White           Cllr Leo Bacigalupo          Cllr Abbie Rousell

In attendance

Louise Stobbs (Clerk), County Councillors Mike Best and Steve Ashton & Two member of the Public (one arrived at 7:10pm)




21/163.                Welcome and Introduction

Cllr Rowland welcomed everyone to the meeting.


21/164.                Chairman’s Annual Report (including Annual Report of the Rec Field Trust) – Cllr Iain Rowland

Seven years ago, I decided to put my name forward as a parish councillor. At the first meeting when the request was made to be Chairman I, somehow ended up in the role. It was a baptism of fire and a sharp learning curve. Over those years I met and dealt with a great variety of residents some more awkward than others, but I am reminded of the saying “You can please all the people. some of the time and some of the people all the time but never all the people all the time”. I have enjoyed my time as Chairman but feel I now need to put my feet up.

As I stand down, we are still waiting for approval of the change of use for the cemetery extension, the village now has four defibrillators, this is nearly as many as Crewkerne. Unfortunately, the WI hall is now on the market which will be a sad day, should it not be retained as a village asset. The school is due to close in September. This will also be another sad loss of another asset.

The CLR is now underway so we can expect an increase in traffic through the village. The purchase of a Speed Indicator Device is being looked at with the possibility of sharing a unit with East Chinnock.

I leave the council in good hands and will always be willing to help when possible.


21/165.                Approval of the minutes of the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting.

Approved without change.

Proposed: Cllr I Rowland              Seconded: Cllr A Rousell                                             RESOLVED


21/166.                Annual Report from Friends of Misterton Cemetery Chapel (FoMCC).

The Clerk reported that she had spoken with a member of FoMCC who advised they could not attend but as far as she was aware everything was going ok.


21/167.                Public Open Forum

No members of the public present raised any queries.



21/168.                Election of Chairman 2022/23

Cllr Bradly was nominated as chair for the coming year. No other nominations received.

Proposed: Cllr A Callow                Seconded: Cllr G White                                RESOLVED


21/169.               Election of Vice Chairman 2022/23

Cllr Rowe was nominated as vice chair for the coming year. No other nominations received.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                 Seconded: Cllr A Callow                               RESOLVED


21/170.                Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Gillard (Personal)


21/171.               To consider Co-opting to the vacant position on the council.

It was agreed that the Clerk would advertise for 14 days and for this to be put as an item on the next agenda.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                 Seconded: Cllr A Callow                               RESOLVED


21/172.                Declarations of acceptance of office: To allow dispensation for any DOA’s to be signed before 21.06.2022.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                 Seconded: Cllr A Rousell                                             RESOLVED


21/173.               Declarations of interest of items on the agenda.



21/174.               To Consider memberships of working groups.

It was decided to leave as they are for now and review at a later date.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                 Seconded: Cllr A Rousell                                             RESOLVED


21/175.               To reaffirm Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                 Seconded: Cllr A Callow                                              RESOLVED


21/176.                Model LGA code of Conduct: to consider adopting the updated model code of conduct, or to reaffirm existing code of conduct.

All in agreement to adopt the new Model LGA code of Conduct.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                 Seconded: Cllr A Rousell                                             RESOLVED


21/177.               To note that Misterton Parish Council no longer meets the criteria for the General Power of Competence (GPC)



21/178.                To review Bank mandate & appoint new signatories.

Agreed that Cllr P Bradly, Cllr A Rousell & Cllr V Rowe will be signatories on all bank accounts.

Proposed: Cllr A Callow                               Seconded: Cllr V Rowe                                 RESOLVED


21/179.                To Approve representatives to outside bodies.

Cllr B McNeil to continue to represent the parish council on the Village Hall committee and Cllr V Rowe to continue to represent the parish council on FoMCC.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                                Seconded: Cllr A Rousell                              RESOLVED






21/180.               Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Paul Gillard (Personal)


21/181.                Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests



21/182.                Minutes of the meeting of 19th April 2022

The minutes of the meetings held on 19th April were resolved as a true and accurate record of the meeting subject to the addition of public participation as one member of the public asked to see a business plan for the cemetery extension.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                               Seconded: Cllr A Rousell                              RESOLVED


21/183.                Matters Arising from Minutes

Numbering from March’s meeting was not in order, Minutes where amended and re-signed


21/184.                Reports

  1. Report from Chairman of Owsley and Norris Trust
  • The trust now has 4 Trustees
  • The trust did not hand out contributions this Christmas due to an ongoing issue to which the trust took legal advice.
  • After seeking legal advice, The Trust along with Cllr White met with the landowner and agreed that they will find an alternative right of way for the Owsley and Norris trust to access their land and that any legal cost incurred will be met by the landowner. Hopefully the Trust will hear soon what offer is to be made.
  • Misterton Action Group donated £200 to the Trust to add to its funds to be distributed at a later date.

        Report on Crewkerne Almshouses

  • There is currently a waiting list, the plan is to save money to buy a house.
  • Crewkerne Almshouses won a photo competition and gave the money to the residents who bought a sun dial.
  • In December the trustees held a party for residents to get to know them better. It was a great success and another party is being held on 5th
  1. Report from County Councillors

Cllr Best & Cllr Ashton reported that:

  • Not much to report due to recent elections
  • District Council will still exist for one more year
  • The reported 18Million recorded budget will likely shrink due to inflation
  • Cllr Ashtons main focus has previously been on Crewkerne but he is here to listen.
  • County Council meetings will not be held at the old venue due to size and the first meeting of the newly elected council will be held at Bridgewater.
  • The recent election of councillors will be for a 5 year post initially but after that 5 years will revert back to a 4 year cycle.


  1. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust

Nothing to report.


21/185. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

  1. Planning: 22/01032/HOU – 27 Packers Way Misterton Crewkerne Somerset – Proposed first floor extension and rear two-story extension – No Comments
  2. Determinations: None at the time of the agenda.


21/186.                Highways & Footpaths

  1. To consider future works for the Parish Ranger
  • Normal standard work.

Action: Clerk to speak to ranger to obtain a schedule of works in order to make relevant amendments if any are needed.

  1. To receive an update on speed indicator device.

Decision was made to not go halves with East Chinnock to purchase a SID. Possibility of purchasing new posts

Action: Cllr Bradly to look into SIDS further and report back.


21/187.                Amenities

  1. To receive the cemetery inspection report

Clerk advised that the grass was very long and in desperate need of cutting, Ivy still growing up the back of the chapel.

  1. To receive an update on the 5 year headstone check.

Clerk to try and make contact with the 2 families who’s headstones need fixing,

Action: Clerk to try and make contact with the families to advise repairs need to happen.

  1. To receive an update on Cemetery Extension

Cllr Bradly to follow up with planning to discuss an extension. More research needed and a business plan

  1. To receive an update on the gateposts project

Project in hand one quote received awaiting another

  1. To receive an update on the Queen Jubilee

Beacon Lighting to still go ahead – No members of the public to be present.

  1. To receive reports on the parking situation on Silver Street

Suggested that a sign be put on the wall – Resident agreed this can happen as long as the fixings go in the grouting and not the stone. Suggested that a police presence be at monthly meetings for any issues to be reported.

Proposed: Cllr P Bradly                                Seconded: Cllr G White                               RESOLVED

Action: Clerk to follow up with community police contact.

  1. To receive report on missing gate at the end of the footpath leading from Turnpike green to the main road.

Discussion was had around who is responsible for this, Possibly the footpaths team.

Action: Clerk to try and find out who is responsible.


21/188.                Finance and Procedure

  1. To agree invoices for payment


Voucher Code Description Supplier Net VAT Total
13 Office Costs Payroll Cox & Co 17.50 3.50 21.00
14 Office Costs Parish Mobile Tesco Mobile 17.99 17.99
15 Clerk’s Salary Clerks Salary Clerk 469.73 469.73
16 Grass Cutting Cemetery Grass Cut K M Dike Nurseries 221.00 44.20 265.20
17 Other Cemetery Grazing Agreement Greenslade Taylor Hunt 100.00 20.00 120.00
18 Training Training SALC 30.00 30.00
19 Other Cemetery 5 Year Headstone check SSDC 348.33 69.66 417.99
20 Internal Audit Internal Audit Richard Keylock Accountancy LTD 60.00 12.00 72.00
21 Room Hire Hall Hire Misterton WI Hall 25.60 25.60
TOTAL 1,290.15 149.36 1,439.51


  1. To receive an update on moving banks

Clerk advised that the accounts where all now open, however the banking switch couldn’t happen as the correspondence address was different to the previous accounts.

Action: Clerk to look into a fix or this.

  1. To receive insurance quote

       Action: Clerk to confirm quote received and arrange payment.


21/189.                Items for the next meeting

Any other items to be advised to the Clerk at least seven days ahead of the meeting.


21/190.                Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 21st June, 6.30pm – Misterton WI Hall.