Misterton PC Minutes 17.03.20

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 17th March 2020
At 6.30pm, WI Hall, Misterton


  • Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair)
  • Cllr Viv Rowe
  • Cllr Brian McNeill
  • Cllr Abbie Rousell
  • Cllr L Bacigalupo
  • Cllr Paul Gillard
  • Cllr Graham White
  • Cllr Andrew Callow

In attendance

Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), 1 member of the public.

20/025. Public Open Session

No issues raised.

With the agreement of all present, Cllr Rowland took items from the agenda deemed urgent only, in accordance with current advice regarding public meetings during the Coronavirus outbreak.

20/026. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Restorick (unwell), as well as from SCC and SSDC Cllr Mike Best.

20/027. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests


20/028. Minutes of the meeting held on 21st January 2020

To be agreed when council meetings resume.

20/029. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

  1. 20/00295/FUL – Change of use of land and erection of a vehicle workshop/maintenance building/new lorry parking facility
    The Parish Council strongly objected to this application on the basis of the potential it gives for increased movements of large vehicles through the village. Although the Parish Council understands that there are no plans currently to expand the fleet, the current traffic situation in the village is such a cause for concern that the councillors feel unable to support this application on highways safety grounds, as it does give scope for future increases.
  2. 20/00315/FUL – Change of use and installation of a field of PV solar array together with associated infrastructure
    The Parish Council, although generally supportive of renewable projects, cannot support this application due to the impact that the PV array in conjunction with the lorry park will have on access to the field which is held in trust as a village asset by the Owsley and Norris Trust (Field grid number ST461071 – land known as Winterfield). The changes associated with this application will render this field effectively land locked and impact on its value to the village, to whom it effectively belongs. If permanent access on the north west corner of the PV park could be granted then the Parish Council would be prepared to reconsider its position on this application only.

In respect of planning applications A & B a recommendation to REFUSE both was received by Cllr
White, seconded by Cllr Rousell and duly RESOLVED.

20/030. To resolve to update the signatories to the Parish Council bank accounts

A proposal to remove former Parish Councillor Mr Heyd-Smith from the mandate and to add Cllrs Vivienne Rowe and Abigail Rousell to the mandate was resolved. The remaining two signatories, Cllrs Rowland and Restorick would also remain on the mandate. (It was noted that HSBC had been asked to remove Mr Heyd-Smith previously but had not done so).

Proposed: Cllr White Seconded: Cllr Rowland RESOLVED

20/031. Finance and Procedure

  1. To agree invoices for payment and to note regular payments
    Voucher Payee Details VAT Total Payment incl VAT
    206 Cox & Co Payroll Services £ 3.50 £ 21.00
    207 WI Hall Room hire £ – £ 15.58
    208 Vodafone Telephone £ – £ 21.57
    209 CAB South Somerset Donation agreed Feb meeting £ – £ 50.00
    210 K M Dike Cemetery grass £ 42.50 £ 255.00
    211 SES Security CCTV installation £ 364.00 £ 2,184.00
    212 Staffing Salary £ – £ 581.10
    Mileage £ – £ 22.05
    Office/admin £ – £ 40.71
    213 Sitemarkd Website instalment £ – £ 250.00
    Total VAT £ 410.00
    TOTAL £ 3,441.01
  2. To delegate to the Clerk (in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair should the
    Chairman be unavailable) to authorise payments for usually agreed payees and
    amounts (to be reviewed in three months’ time).

Proposed (a) and (b) together: Cllr Rowland Seconded: Cllr White RESOLVED
for payment

20/032. To agree the contractor for cemetery grass cutting and maintenance contract.

After consideration of the tenders received it was agreed to award the contract for three years to the existing contractor, Halcyon Landscapes.

Proposed: Cllr White Seconded: Cllr Rowland RESOLVED

20/033. To discuss Parish arrangements for support during the Coronavirus outbreak

Posters would be put up on both main noticeboards (later agreed to add in the Betterment board). As the Misterton Emergency and Resilience Team was already in place, it was agreed that they would lead the co-ordination of volunteer networks and information, with assistance from the clerk if required. A suggestion from a member of the public to set up a Facebook group was considered but on reflection as there were two existing well used groups, ‘Misterton Parish Council’ and ‘Residents of Misterton (Somerset)’, a third might mean people and messages could fall through gaps. MERT would provide text and contact details for publication following their meeting the next day.

20/034. Date and location of next meeting

Due to the Coronavirus situation, following current advice, no more meetings of the Parish Council to be convened until further notice.