Misterton PC Minutes 16.11.2021

 Minutes of the meeting of Misterton Parish Council 

Tuesday, 16th November at 6.30pm, Misterton WI Hall


Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair)                 Cllr Viv Rowe                     Cllr Graham White

Cllr Andrew Callow                          Cllr Brian McNeill

In attendance

Louise Stobbs (Clerk), Three members of the public.


Public Open Forum

Member of the public in attendance at the meeting raised the following issue;

  • Issue relating to helping fund the crowd funding to keep Misterton School Open


21/091.                 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Leo Bacigalupo, Cllr Paul Gillard, Cllr Abbie Rousell and Cllr Geoff Restorick  (All Personal)


21/092.                 Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests



21/093.                 Minutes of the meeting of 19th October

The minutes of the meetings held on 19th October were resolved as a true and accurate record.

Proposed: Cllr I Rowland                              Seconded: Cllr V Rowe                  RESOLVED


21/094.                 Matters Arising from Minutes

None raised.


21/095.                 Reports

  1. Report from County Councillor & District Councillor


  1. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust

Sorry to hear of the closure of the school.


21/096. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

  1. Planning: None
  2. Determinations: None


21/097.                 Highways & Footpaths

  1. To consider future works for the Parish Ranger

Pavement to be swept on corner opposite Henley Road

  1. To consider to empty gullies around the village

Gullies still causing issues around the village

 Actions:  Clerk to follow up on progress with Highways on behalf of Parish Councillors.

  1. To consider if a speed Indicator device is needed

Actions: Cllr Rowland to do some more research on costings and what is involved.

  1. Walkway between Cedrics and the cemetery

Action: Clerk to contact County Councillor to see if anything can be done.


21/098.                 Amenities

  1. To receive the cemetery inspection report

From cemetery inspections it has been alerted that a load test is required on each headstone, every 5 years, standard check policy to be obtained.  Plot enquiry for the extension, application for change of use has been submitted the consecration costs agreed at the previous meeting to take place when application approved.

Action: Cllr Rowland looking into how we go about completing the load test Clerk to make a list of attempts to find out information as getting no response

  1. To receive an update on the gateposts project

Bids in place from contractors and no planning needed.  Traffic lights needed for works to go ahead.  Yew tree to receive a big haircut for access and visibility.  Project still in WIP but noted that the construction sector was extremely busy at present.

Action: Clerk to follow up on bids for gateposts project and report to council for approval.

  1. To consider correspondence regarding participation in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons project 2022

Cllr Callow and Cllr White had a successful meeting with the landowner representative who approved the use of land.

  1. Agree purchase of Missing Dog Bin on station road (Broughtons Drive)

Proposed: Cllr I Rowland                      Seconded: Cllr V Rowe                  RESOLVED

  1. To agree on formal response to the policy consultation briefing regarding cemetery environmental permitting regulations.

Proposed: Cllr I Rowland                      Seconded: Cllr A Callow                RESOLVED


21/099.                 MERT working group

Wallet card to go ahead with Misterton Garage agreeing to pay most of the cost.


21/100.                 Finance and Procedure

  1. To agree invoices for payment
FINANCE REPORT – November 2021
PAYMENTS due since last meeting
Payee Details   VAT    Total Payment
incl VAT 
Budget Line
Tesco Mobile Parish mobile  £                                               –  £         17.99 Office/admin
Cox & Co Payroll services  £                                           3.50  £         21.00 Office/admin
Staff Salary/ Expenses  £                                               –  £        471.70 Clerk
K M Dike Cemetery grass cut  £                                          44.20  £        265.20 Cemetery
SSDC Ranger Service  £                                               –  £     1,305.36 Parish Ranger
SALC Training  £                                               –  £         30.00 Training
SLCC Charles Arnold Baker Book  £        123.80 Office/admin
Total VAT to reclaim  £                                          47.70
 TOTAL  £      2,235.05



  1. To Agree the cost and purchase of the Village Hall defibrillator battery pads that are due in January.

Proposed: Cllr I Rowland                      Seconded: Cllr G White                 RESOLVED



21/101.                 Items for the next meeting

Any other items to be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.


21/102.                 Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 14th December, 6.30pm – Misterton WI Hall.