Misterton PC Minutes 16.03.2021
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th March 2021
Remotely, via Zoom
Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair) Cllr Viv Rowe Cllr Abbie Rousell
Cllr Leo Bacigalupo Cllr Graham White Cllr Paul Gillard
Cllr Andrew Callow Cllr Geoff Restorick Cllr Brian McNeill
In attendance
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), County and District Councillor Mike Best.
21/025. Public Open Session
No members of the public present.
21/026. Apologies for absence
21/027. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
21/028. Minutes of the meeting of 16th February 2021
The minutes of the meeting held on 16th February were approved as a true and accurate record of the meetings, to be signed at the first face to face meeting.
Proposed: Cllr G Restorick Seconded: Cllr I Rowland RESOLVED
21/029. Matters Arising from Minutes
A query was raised about the ‘walk way’ on the side of the road between the cemetery and Cedric’s. The Clerk reported that the Ranger had been asked to trim back vegetation; Cllr White clarified that the ‘verge’ encroachment was the real issue.
Action: Clerk to arrange for Parish Ranger to clear back soil/grass from white line on the road.
21/030. Reports
- Report from County Councillor & District Councillor
Cllr Best reported that:
- Somerset County Council’s Executive would meet the following day and were expected to ratify the proposed school reorganisation, including the closure of Misterton First School;
- South Somerset District Council’s Area West committee would consider the final stage of the Phase 1 plans of the CLR (also the following day);
- Government was now looking at both Stronger Somerset and One Somerset unitary proposals.
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust
Cllr Rowland reported that:
- The Middle Street bridge works were now rescheduled for 6th April – 28th May, which would be a full, 24-hour a day road closure.
21/031. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
- Applications:
- Determinations – 20/01835 The Rookery, Silver Street – APPROVED.
21/032. Highways & Footpaths
- To consider future works for the Parish Ranger
It was noted that the trimming of the holly hedge in Middle Street had left a ‘verge’ of debris, which was still forcing vehicles out into the road. The Clerk would contact Highways/Ranger about getting this swept before it washes into drains.
Cllr White reported that the Mill Lane bridge was going to be an 8m steel footbridge. Clerk would contact the officer for an update on timescales.
- To note new dates for works to the Middle Street bridge
New closure dates of 6th April – 28th May for the planned closure of Middle Street were noted.
21/033. Amenities
- To receive the cemetery inspection report
Members noted the latest inspection report. A broken glass terrarium on a grave was flagged up as hazardous and it was agreed it should be removed for safety reasons.
- To consider a quotation for replacing bed edging/proposal to remove bed and return to grass
Members considered options for the flower bed surrounding the chapel, which had now rotted through. It was noted that to return it to grass would involve the removal of all shrubs and possible excavation of a large stump. The Clerk was asked to contact FoMCC to make aware of suggestions in the first instance, and obtain a quote from the tree surgeon for possible removal of yew stump and eucalyptus.
- To receive an update on the gateposts project
Members considered a revised access plan for the cemetery gateposts which would involve a simpler relocation of the posts and extension to the gates.
Actions: Clerk to obtain hard copy plans, Cllr Callow to advise on three contractors to quote for the works.
- To authorise the Clerk to sign the updated grazing agreements on behalf of the Parish Council
Proposed: Cllr I Rowland Seconded: Cllr G White RESOLVED
- To consider timescale for refurbishment of Silver Street fingerpost
Following the successful refurbishment of the fingerpost at the crossroads and the positive response received, Members agreed to place the works order for the second fingerpost as there was a delay at the forge. It was noted that this would complete the fingerpost restoration programme as the posts at Peckmoor Cross and Knowle Lane are current style signs and should come under the remit of Highways.
Proposed: Cllr A Callow Seconded: Cllr I Rowland RESOLVED
Action: Clerk to place works order with Somerset Forge.
- To instruct tree surgeon to carry out planned year three tree works (in conjunction with those at the Recreation ground)
Proposed: Cllr G Restorick Seconded: Cllr I Rowland RESOLVED
Action: Clerk to obtain estimates for additional works identified in chapel flower bed.
21/034. Finance and Procedure
- To agree invoices for payment and to note regular payments
Voucher | Payee | Details | VAT | Total Payment incl VAT |
298 | Cox & Co | Payroll services | £ 3.50 | £ 17.50 |
299 | Vodafone | Dongle | £ – | £ 9.84 |
300 | Staff | Salary/ies | £ – | £ 581.10 |
301 | K Sheehan | Expenses chq | £ – | £ 17.38 |
302 | K M Dike | Cemetery maintenance | £ 42.50 | £ 255.00 |
303 | Stones Masons | Payments made in error | £ – | £ 25.00 |
Total VAT to reclaim | £ 46.00 | |||
TOTAL | £ 905.82 |
Proposed: Cllr I Rowland Seconded: Cllr V Rowe RESOLVED for payment
Receipts, bank reconciliation and list of reserves all noted, no questions raised.
Action: Clerk to prepare letter for signatories to bank cancelling Vodafone direct debit as repeated requests to Vodafone had been unsuccessful.
21/035. Items for the next meeting
To be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.
21/036. Date and location of next meeting
The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 20th April, 6.30pm, via Zoom.
Some discussion took place about how to proceed following the expiry of virtual meetings legislation on 7th May. It was agreed to meet as usual on Tuesday 20th April with a view to a short AGM in the first week of May. Further details to be agreed on 20th April.