Misterton PC Minutes 16.02.2021

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th February 2021 at 6.30pm

Remotely, via Zoom



Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair)                 Cllr Viv Rowe                                     Cllr Abbie Rousell

Cllr Leo Bacigalupo                          Cllr Graham White                           Cllr Paul Gillard

Cllr Andrew Callow                          Cllr Geoff Restorick                         Cllr Brian McNeill

In attendance

Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), County and District Councillor Mike Best.


21/013.                 Public Open Session

No members of the public present.


21/014.                 Apologies for absence



21/015.                 Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests



21/016.                 Minutes of the meeting of 19th January 2021

The minutes of the meeting held on 19th January were approved as a true and accurate record of the meetings, to be signed at the first face to face meeting.

Proposed: Cllr G Restorick                           Seconded: Cllr I Rowland                                          RESOLVED


21/017.                 Matters Arising from Minutes

None raised.


21/018.                 Reports

  1. Report from County Councillor & District Councillor

Cllr Best reported that:

  • Somerset County Council and South Somerset District Councils were in the process of setting their budgets for 2021/22;
  • Ongoing phosphates issues has stopped all planning applications. Wessex Water has produced a strategy plan but this could take some time to be implemented;
  • Government has decided to go out to consultation on the Somerset Unitary bids -more details would be available shortly;
  • It was expected that the County Council elections in May 2021 could be postponed to May 2022 as a result.
  1. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust

Cllr Rowland reported that:

  • The trees had been received from SSDC and planted in the cemetery extension;
  • VETS (Village Emergency Telephone System) was now operational and full details would be published in this month’s Misterton Magazine.


21/019.                 Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

  1. Applications:
  • 21/00198/HOU – 3 Mill Close, Mill Lane – No objections raised.
  1. Determinations –
  2. To note that Crewkerne Town Council had been formally notified of withdrawal from the joint Neighbourhood Plan –


21/020.                 Highways & Footpaths

  1. To consider future works for the Parish Ranger

The Clerk reported that the new Ranger was now in place and planned to cut back the lilac bush obscuring the CCTV at the beginning of March.  Clerk to ask for overhanging vegetation between cemetery and White Swan to be cut back.


21/021.                 Amenities

  1. To receive the cemetery inspection report

Members noted the latest inspection report.   The Clerk reported that a section of the flower bed edging round the chapel had rotted through and collapsed.  Cllr Rowland agreed to inspect further to see if a repair could be made.

  1. To consider the Parish Council’s response to the second statutory consultation relating to the Crewkerne and Ilminster school reorganisation proposals

Cllr Best outlined the remaining phases of the decision-making process.  The PC would make a further response opposing the closure of Misterton First School.


21/022.                 Finance and Procedure

  1. To agree invoices for payment and to note regular payments
Voucher Payee Details   VAT    Total Payment
incl VAT 
288 MFS Crowdfunding MFS legal campaign  £                                    –  £     405.00
289 Cox & Co Payroll services  £                                3.50  £       21.00
290 Vodafone Dongle  £                                    –  £         9.84
291 Safelincs LTd Defib consumables  £                               18.80  £     112.80
292 Staff Salary/ies  £                                    –  £     581.10
293 K Sheehan Mileage/expenses etc  £                                1.50  £       61.91
294 Somerset Forge Ltd Fingerpost restoration  £                             234.00  £ 1,404.00
295 SES CCTV maintenance agreement  £                               16.00  £       96.00
296 K M Dike Nurseries Cemetery grass cut  £                               42.50  £     255.00
297 SLCC Shared contribution  £                                    –  £     166.00
Total VAT to reclaim  £                             316.30
 TOTAL  £    3,112.65


Proposed: Cllr A Callow                 Seconded: Cllr I Rowland                              RESOLVED for payment

Receipts, bank reconciliation and list of reserves all noted, no questions raised.

  1. To consider a request from Friends of Crewkerne Station to join the Blackmore Vale Community Rail Partnership as a stakeholder

The draft terms of reference for the BVCRP had been circulated.  Members were supportive and looked forward to receiving the finalised version in due course.


21/023.                 Items for the next meeting

To be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.


21/024.                 Date and location of next meeting

The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 16th March 2021, 6.30pm, via Zoom.