Misterton PC Minutes 15.09.2020

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15th September 2020

Remotely, via Zoom


Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair)                 Cllr Viv Rowe                                     Cllr Brian McNeill

Cllr Abbie Rousell                             Cllr Paul Gillard

Cllr Graham White                           Cllr Andrew Callow

In attendance

Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Country and District Councillor Mike Best.

20/051.                 Public Open Session

No members of the public present.

20/052.                 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Restorick (technology issues) and Cllr Bacigalupo (away).

20/053.                 Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests


20/054.                 Minutes of the meetings held on 21st July 2020

The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record of the meetings, to be signed at the first face to face meeting.

Proposed: Cllr Rowe                                       Seconded: Cllr Rowland                                 RESOLVED

20/055.                 Matters Arising from Minutes

None raised.

20/056.                 Reports

a.Report from County Councillor & District Councillor

Cllr Best reported that:

  • The main issue facing the County Council had been the return to schools;
  • The District Council had been starting to reopen pools and gyms with Covid restrictions in place;
  • The Stronger Somerset unitary bid had been approved by South Somerset District Council (SSDC) and would now be submitted to the Minister.

b.Report from Chairman of the Parish Council

Cllr Rowland reported that:

  • The recent community sale had raised a good amount for the defibrillator and thanks to an additional generous donation from the Village Fete Committee, this would now go ahead. Thanks were recorded to Cllr Rowe for her efforts in organising.  The next step would be to establish an appropriate power supply;
  • The Covid support network was still in place if anyone required support;
  • Residents were concerned about parking around the junction of Silver/Middle Streets now that school had resumed – the Clerk would contact the local PCSO.

20/057.                 Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

a. Members noted responses which had been submitted in response to:

  1. 20/01862/FUL – no objection
  2. 20/01835/FUL – no objection
  3. 20/01086/OUT – various objections re size of plots, overdevelopment, reiteration of request for connective footpath to Recreation field. Members noted determinations received in respect of:
  • 20/01862/FUL – Approved
  • 20/00982/FUL – Approved.

20/058.                 Highways & Footpaths

a. To consider future works for the Parish Ranger

  • To trim and strim back paths around Packers Way

 b. To consider a request for support from SPACE for Crewkerne

Members were generally supportive of the principles of the group and would look forward to receiving more detailed proposals when the group was established.

Action:  Clerk to respond to letter.  Clerk also to pursue virtual meeting for Parking Working Group with Traffic Management at SCC. 

20/059.                 Amenities

a. To receive the cemetery inspection report

Members noted the latest cemetery inspection reports from August and September.  Clerk reported that it was looking overgrown around the edges (due to Covid no volunteer mornings could be held).  It was agreed to seek a price from the contractors for a one-off cut and tidy up of hedges. It was noted that the grazier had offered to re-stake the remaining trees in the cemetery extension and Cllr Rowe would make enquiries about cutting a new gateway in the top fence. The Clerk was asked to find any donations of trees (max of 40) to replant the top boundary of the extension.

b. To receive an update on the cemetery gateposts project

The Clerk reported that further pre-application advice from the District Council was still being sought, with the SSDC planning department experiencing delays.

20/060.                 Finance and Procedure

a. To agree invoices for payment and to note regular payments

Voucher Payee Details   VAT    Total Payment
incl VAT 
247 Cox & Co Payroll Services  £                   3.50  £       21.00
248 Misterton WI Hall Room hire  £                      –  £       15.58
249 Vodafone Telephone  £                      –  £       22.11
250 Cox & Co Payroll Services  £                   3.50  £       21.00
250 (a) Misterton WI Hall Room hire  £                      –  £       15.58
251 Vodafone Telephone  £                      –  £       22.11
252 SALC Affiliation fee  £                      –  £     278.42
253 K Sheehan Expenses/mileage  £                      –  £       27.84
254 Staff September salary  £                      –  £     581.10
255 PKF Littlejohn External Audit fee  £                 40.00  £     240.00
256 K M Dike Cemetery grass x 2  £                 88.40  £     530.40
257 N Rand Signage/parts for kiosk  £                   9.75  £       85.52
258 Misterton PreSchool Grant  £                      –  £     100.00
Total VAT to reclaim  £                145.15
 TOTAL  £    1,960.66


Proposed: Cllr Rowe                                       Seconded: Cllr Rowland                 RESOLVED for payment

Receipts, bank reconciliation and list of reserves held all noted.  Cllrs Rowe and Rousell were now confirmed signatories.

b. To note the conclusion to the external audit 2019/20 and report of the external auditor

Members noted the conclusion of the external audit, and report of the auditor (no issues of concern), which had been published as required.

c. To consider a grant request from Misterton Pre School

Proposal to make a donation of £100 to the Pre School under the General Power of Competence was received and resolved.

Proposed: Cllr Rowland                                Seconded: Cllr McNeill                                  RESOLVED

20/061.                 Items for the next meeting

To be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.

20/062.                 Date and location of next meeting

The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 20th October 2020, 6.30pm, via Zoom.

Confidential Session:

A short confidential session was held to consider the adoption of the revised NALC payscales and Clerk’s remuneration.  The new scales were adopted with the Clerk moved