Misterton PC Minutes 15.02.2022

 Minutes of the meeting of Misterton Parish Council 

Tuesday, 15th February 2022 at 6.30pm, Misterton WI Hall


Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair)                 Cllr Graham White           Cllr Abbie Rousell

Cllr Brian McNeill                             Cllr Andrew Callow          Cllr Paul Gillard

In attendance

Louise Stobbs (Clerk), County and District Councillor Mike Best


Public Open Forum                                                                                                                                                                 

No Members of the public present.


21/128.                 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Viv Rowe & Cllr Leo Bacigalupo (Both Personal)


21/129.                 Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests

Cllr Rowland noted that as a close proximity resident to potential markings on silver street he would not participate in any part of the discussions on this proposal.


21/130.                 Minutes of the meeting of 18th January

The minutes of the meetings held on 18th January were resolved as a true and accurate record.

Proposed: Cllr I Rowland                              Seconded: Cllr B McNeil                               RESOLVED


21/131.                 Matters Arising from Minutes

None raised.


21/132.                 Reports

  1. Report from County Councillor & District Councillor

Cllr Best reported that:

  • Pressure continues to build for both councils due to the push to get the new Unitary Authority up and running and this was having an impact on the day-to-day activities.
  • Upcoming elections for all councils in May will be for a 5-year term, District council will continue for 1 year whilst the new Unitary Authority gets up and running.



  1. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust

Cllr I Rowland reported that:

  • Misterton Action Group donated £50 to MERT to say thank you for what they do in the community.
  • MERT to give a presentation to Ilminster Council on 28th


21/133. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

  1. Planning: None
  2. Determinations: None



21/134.                 Highways & Footpaths

  1. To consider future works for the Parish Ranger

Normal standard work

  1. To consider if a speed Indicator device is needed

Cllr Rowland confirmed that he had done some research on costings and would like to continue talks with Evolis on supplying 1 SID that can be moved across 2 sites that is  solar powered and would be pursuing a grant to help cover the cost.  2 potential spots for the SIDS have been discussed and agreed providing Highways sign off on the locations.

  1. To consider possible road markings on the entrance to Silver Street due to recent obstruction.

Action: To ask the resident who owns the wall by narrow part of the road if they would mind if the Parish Council was to put a sign up asking for road users not to park their vehicles at this location due to potential blockage for emergency vehicles.


21/135.                 Amenities

  1. To receive the cemetery inspection report

Clerk advised that upon her checks there is a broken slat on a memorial bench, other than that no issues

  1. To receive an update on the 5 year headstone check.

Clerk advised still no further forward with finding someone qualified to complete the task, but does check for loose headstones when completing cemetery inspection. Cllrs Rowland to find document used by Durham council as a guide until we can find someone qualified.


  1. To receive an update on Cemetery Extension

Cllr Rowland was completing the planning application for change of use for the extension grounds however to complete this fully payment needed to be made by bank transfer, as the Parish Council cannot do this it was agreed Cllr Rowland would pay on behalf of the Parish Council and upon receipt the Parish Council would pay back Cllr Rowland

Proposed: Cllr A Callow                Seconded Cllr A Rousell                Resolved

  1. To receive an update on the gateposts project

Clerk, Cllr Callow and Cllr White had a meeting with a contractor at the cemetery on 19.01.22. Cllr    Callow is awaiting some more drawings to present to the contractor in order to proceed with the quote.

  1. To consider an alternative venue for Parish Council meetings to be held and an alternative address for all correspondence.

Clerk made some enquires with the Village Hall committee and this does not look viable going forward therefor the Clerk will look into alternative venues. Possibility of having a post box at the village hall.

  1. To consider any plans that need to be actioned in preparation of the Queen’s Jubilee.

Jubilee beacon lighting at coombe farm to go ahead, also possibility of planting a tree at the recreation ground. Position of tree to be decided now and marked out with a fencing structure and plaque with tree to follow in winter.

Action: Clerk to price up plaque and tree.




21/136.                 Finance and Procedure

  1. To agree invoices for payment
Payee Details   VAT    Total Payment
incl VAT 
Budget Line
Tesco mobile Phone  £                                    –  £       17.99 Office costs
Cox & Co Payroll services  £                                3.50  £       21.00 Office costs
Staff Salary/Milage/Expenses  £     460.82 Clerk
K M Dike Cemetery grass  £                               44.20  £     265.20 Cemetery
Misterton WI hall PC Meetings  £                                    –  £       25.60 Room hire
Total VAT to reclaim  £                               47.70
 TOTAL  £        790.61



  1. To receive an update on moving banks

Action: Clerk To follow up with Unity Bank and look into some more suitable alternatives.

  1.  To note dates for Clerks annual leave

Clerk advised annual leave would be taken 21st February for one week and 2 weeks from 8th August

  1. To appoint an internal auditor for 2021/22 financial year

Decision was made to move forward with Richard Keylock

Proposed: Cllr Rowland                 Seconded Cllr G white                   Resolved

  1. To consider the purchase of new office equipment required

Clerk to obtain prices for equipment and bring to the March meeting for approval.

  1. To review quote from cemetery maintenance contractors with regards to quarterly moss spraying
  2. To review renewal quote for the emergency telephone line.
  3. To review renewal quote for the CCTV Maintenance

Items f – h above reviewed and agreed en bloc.

Proposed: Cllr Rowland                Seconded: Cllr A Rousell               Resolved


21/137.                 Items for the next meeting

Any other items to be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.


21/138.                 Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 15th March, 6.30pm – Misterton WI Hall.