Misterton PC Minutes 02.06.2020

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd June 2020

Remotely, via Zoom



Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair)                 Cllr Viv Rowe                                     Cllr Brian McNeill

Cllr Abbie Rousell                             Cllr L Bacigalupo                               Cllr Paul Gillard

Cllr Graham White                           Cllr Andrew Callow                          Cllr Geoff Restorick

In attendance

Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Cllr Mike Best (SCC) for the first part only.


Update from Cllr Mike Best (Somerset County Council) who then left the meeting to attend another.

Cllr Best reported that County Councillors were receiving weekly briefings from the Chief Executive on the Covid-19 situation in the County.  A rise in the ‘R’ rate of infection was anticipated and South West County Councils had written to the Government to request certain travel restrictions to protect the region from incoming tourists (as experienced over the previous weekends).  Cllr Best also reported that all local homeless people were currently housed in hotels and long term ways forward from this were being considered.

(Cllr Best left the meeting).


20/035.                 Apologies for absence



20/036.                 Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests



20/037.                 Finance and Procedure

  1. To agree invoices for payment (listed from start of 20/21 financial year) and to note regular payments, latest bank reconciliation and receipts
Voucher Payee Details   VAT    Total Payment
incl VAT 
Budget Line Cheque
215 Cox & Co Payroll  £                                      3.50  £       21.00 Office costs SO 01/04/20
216 Misterton WI Hall Room hire  £                                          –  £       15.58 Room hire SO 01/04/20
217 Vodafone Telephone  £                                          –  £       21.60 Office costs DD 03/04/20
218 Staffing Salary  £                                          –  £     581.10 Staff SO 18/04/20
219 Arien Signs  £                                          –  £       30.00 Misc 100826
220 K M Dike Cemetery grass  £                                     42.50  £     255.00 Cemetery 100827
221 ICO Data Registration  £                                          –  £       35.00 Memberships/fees DD 21.04.20
222 CPRE Membership  £                                          –  £       36.00 Memberships/fees DD 21.04.20
223 Came & Co Payroll  £                                      3.50  £       21.00 Office costs SO 01/05/20
224 Misterton WI Hall Room hire  £                                          –  £       15.58 Room hire SO 01/05/20
225 Vodafone Telephone  £                                          –  £       22.11 Office costs DD 06/05/20
226 Staffing Salary  £                                          –  £     581.10 Staff SO 18/05/20
227 Came & Co Insurance  £                                          –  £  1,314.97 Insurances 100828
228 K M Dike Grass cutting  £                                     44.20  £     265.20 Cemetery 100829
229 M Harding Internal Audit  £                                          –  £       75.00 Audit 100830
230 K Sheehan Office expenses  £                                      1.33  £       32.73 Office costs 100831
231 Fern Tree & Garden Cemetery tree works  £                                   124.00  £     744.00 Cemetery 100832
232 M Diment (SiteMarkD) Domain renewal  £                                          –  £       15.00 Website 100833
Total VAT to reclaim  £                                   219.03



Proposed: Cllr Rowland                 Seconded: Cllr Rousell                   RESOLVED for payment

Bank reconciliation and Receipts duly noted.

  1. To consider the report of the internal auditor for 19/20
  2. To approve the Annual Governance Statements for 19/20
  3. To approve the Accounts and End of Year Bank Reconciliation for 19/20
  4. To approve the Accounting Statements for 19/20

Members considered items (b) to (e), which had been previously circulated by the Clerk.  No issues were raised and the report of the internal auditor, which raised no concerns, was noted.  These items were proposed, seconded and duly resolved.

Proposed: Cllr Rowland                Seconded: Cllr Rousell                                   RESOLVED



20/038.                 Date and location of next meeting

In order to resume the usual cycle of Parish Council meetings, the next meeting will take place via Zoom on Tuesday 21st July 2020 at 6.30pm.