Misterton PC Minutes 20.07.2021
Minutes of the meeting of Misterton Parish Council
Tuesday, 20th July at 6.30pm, Misterton Recreation Ground
Cllr Iain Rowland (Chair) Cllr Abbie Rousell Cllr Graham White
Cllr Andrew Callow Cllr Geoff Restorick Cllr Viv Rowe
In attendance
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), two members of the public.
Public Open Forum
Cllr Rowland welcomed everyone to the meeting, the first held face to face since March 2020.
Members of the public in attendance raised the following points:
- The recent traffic management report does not recommend double yellow lines between Unity Lane and Misterton Garage. Traffic is getting notably heavier and the percentage of HGVs has risen significantly. Full surveying of traffic flow would be necessary to address the issues as a whole;
- The application relating to Land at Bullring Farm had encountered difficulties with getting the land renamed by the District Council, as it is actually separate from Bullring Farm.
- The decision for Somerset’s future local government structure was due imminently and it would like entail changes for the parish, which should be consulted upon with parishioners when the opportunity arises.
21/056. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs Bacigalupo (personal), McNeill (prior engagement) and Gillard (personal). Cllr Best (SCC and SSDC) also sent apologies (personal).
21/057. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
21/058. Minutes of the meeting of 6th May 2021 and notes of the informal meeting on 15th June 2021
The minutes of the meetings held on 6th May and 15th June were resolved as a true and accurate record.
Proposed: Cllr A Rousell Seconded: Cllr I Rowland RESOLVED
21/059. Matters Arising from Minutes
None raised.
21/060. Reports
- Report from County Councillor & District Councillor
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Recreation Field Trust
Cllr Rowland reported that:
- The Emergency Team had surveyed and reported blocked drains, would continue to monitor the silt trap in Knowle Lane;
- He had recently noticed reports on social media regarding the planning application for 350 houses opposite the station, suggesting this could be revived. Members would monitor this closely.
21/061. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
- 21/02016/S73 – Land at Wellspring Farm
Members commented that the SSDC planning portal was difficult to use but could not see any reason to raise objections to this application.
- 21/0001437/S73 – Land at Bullring Farm
Members commented that the conservation efforts on these plans were appreciated, and had no reason to objection to this application.
Action: Clerk to submit MPC’s formal response to these applications to SSDC
- No determinations had been received.
21/062. Highways & Footpaths
- To consider future works for the Parish Ranger
Members requested that the top of Mill Lane be strimmed, the rear car park at the village hall be tidied up and that, if time, the gate post at Clark’s Lane be dug up. Cllr Callow volunteered to identify a suitable replacement post for the gate to be rehung. Thanks were also expressed to Cllr White for cutting the hedges around the cemetery mirrors.
- To consider the report of the Traffic Management Engineer regarding proposed waiting restrictions in Middle Street
Members considered previously circulated report from County Highways, stating that due to objections, the double yellow lines proposed between the garage and Unity Lane were unlikely to proceed. The Traffic Engineer had instead proposed a partial ‘no waiting at any time’ restriction along the front of the garage. However, members considered that vehicles did not actually park in front of the garage, so that would be of limited effectiveness. A proposal was made to:
- Reject SCC’s offer of limited waiting restrictions along curtilage of garage;
- Formally write to Traffic Engineer to express the Council’s grave concerns about safety at this location, drawing attention to the recent police involvement and requesting a review of this decision and site visits at relevant times.
Proposed: Cllr G White Seconded: Cllr A Callow RESOLVED
Actions: Clerk to write to Traffic Management on behalf of Parish Councillors.
- To consider a proposal to formally request a box junction on Middle Street/Unity Lane
Members considered a request to site a box junction on Middle Street at the entrance to Unity Lane following several instances of people being unable to turn into Unity Lane due to congested traffic through Misterton. It was agreed to discuss this further with the Traffic Engineer once a site meeting had been secured, as the priority would be the issue of nearby parked vehicles.
- To receive an update on Stonecutters Lane and gate at rear of Packers Way
The Clerk reported that following two site visits at Stonecutters Lane, the County Council had agreed to excavate the drains and ditches and replace stiles with gates at no cost to the parish. Permission from landowners had been given verbally, and awaiting written consent from one for works to proceed. Additionally, agreement had been obtained from all relevant parties to reinstate the gate at the rear of Packers Way. Cllr White commented that the Mill Lane bridge contractors had recently been on site and were hoping to be on site for September.
21/063. Amenities
- To receive the cemetery inspection report
Clerk had circulated the cemetery report. Cllr Rowland reported that the trees in his care were still alive and he hoped to plant them in early autumn. The Clerk reported that the plot enquiry for the extension had not yet been followed through with a plot purchase but members agreed to pursue the consecration anyway at the costs agreed at the previous meeting.
- To receive an update on the gateposts project
Clerk reported that three contractors had now been identified and so would be seeking quotes for the work shortly. It was noted that the construction sector was extremely busy at present.
- To note that the Silver Street fingerpost has been removed for refurbishment
The final fingerpost had been restored and resituated. Members commented on the high standard of workmanship.
- To consider correspondence regarding participation in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons project 2022
Members considered previously circulated correspondence regarding participation in 2022. It was agreed that in principle the Parish Council would like to organise a beacon for the event, subject to the availability of a suitable location. Cllr Rowland would read the documents in detail and report back to a future meeting.
Action: Cllr Rowland to read documents and report back. Clerk to contact landowner of previous beacon site re availability.
21/064. Finance and Procedure
- To agree invoices for payment
Voucher | Payee | Details | VAT | Total Payment incl VAT |
326 | Tesco Mobile | Parish mobile | £ – | £ 17.99 |
327 | Cox & Co | Payroll services | £ 3.50 | £ 21.00 |
328 | Staffing | Salary/ies | £ – | £ 581.10 |
329 | K Sheehan | Other/mileage/exp | £ – | £ 49.92 |
330 | K M Dike | Cemetery grass cut | £ 44.20 | £ 265.20 |
331 | SALC | Affiliation fees | £ – | £ 281.28 |
332 | Somerset Forge Ltd | Fingerpost | £ 129.00 | £ 774.00 |
333 | Tesco Mobile | Parish mobile | £ – | £ 17.99 |
VAT to reclaim | £ 176.70 | |||
TOTAL | £ 2,008.48 |
- To note payments received/monthly bank reconciliation/statement of reserves held/Q1 budget vs spend sheet
Receipts, bank reconciliation, reserves, Q1 update all noted, no questions asked.
- To retrospectively agree decisions delegated to the Clerk under the Council’s scheme of delegation
All decisions taken under the scheme of delegation were circulated and formally agreed.
Proposed: Cllr I Rowland Seconded: Cllr G Restorick RESOLVED
- To note changes to Asset Register
Members noted that a play equipment valuation had been carried out. Clerk was making enquiries to try and separate out MUGA from play equipment.
21/065. Items for the next meeting
To be advised to the Clerk seven days in advance of the meeting.
21/066. Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 21st September, 6.30pm – location to be confirmed nearer to the time.