Misterton PC Agenda 21.07.20
Councillors are summoned to a remote meeting of the Parish Council
To be held on Tuesday, 21st July 2020, 18.30, via Zoom
Signed, K Sheehan, Clerk and RFO
Important notes for members of the public
- Members of the public who wish to attend the Council meeting are kindly requested to contact the
Clerk (details below) before 9am on the day of the meeting, where they will be given the details of how
to join the remote meeting. - To assist with the smooth running of the meeting, members of the public are kindly asked to submit
their questions via email in advance. - The meeting may be recorded for the purposes of assisting with writing minutes. Recordings will be deleted once minutes have been written.
Public Open Session
10 minute session to give residents the opportunity to indicate interests in the agenda items/put questions to Council that may be answered at a later date/become a future agenda item.
- Apologies for Absence
- Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interest
- Minutes of the last meeting
To review and resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 18th February, 17th March and 2nd June 2020 are a correct record - Matters arising from minutes
- Reports
- Report from County Councillor
- Report from District Councillor
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council
- Report from the Misterton Recreation Field Trust
- Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
- APPLICATIONS: 20/01758/LBC and 20/01757/HOU – The Thatched Farmhouse, Middle Street. Reconstruction of front boundary wall including railings and installation of French drain.
- DETERMINATIONS: none at time of agenda publication
- Highways & Footpaths
- To consider ways forward for the Parking Working Group
- To consider future works for the Parish Ranger
- To consider reports of overhanging branches and possible actions
- Amenities
- To receive the Cemetery inspection report
- To note that the grasskeep agreement for the Cemetery extension has been finalised and signed
- To discuss a way forward with the Cemetery gateposts/entrance
- Finance & Procedure
- To agree invoices for payment and note regular payments, payments received and bank reconciliation
- To consider moving to online banking
- To adopt a CCTV policy and updated Privacy Notice
- To amend Financial Regulations to allow for a stem spend of up to £1000
- To rescind the delegation of powers to the Clerk relating to authorization of payments
- To consider a Parish Council response to the ‘One Somerset’ unitary consultation
- To receive a progress report on the new Parish Council website
- To consider a grant request for a community-based art installation in the telephone kiosk
- To agree Clerk’s annual leave request/confirm contact details during this period
- Items for the next meeting
- Next meeting – Tuesday 15th September at 18.30 – to review the arrangements for the next Parish Council meeting in accordance with the relevant Government guidance closer to the time.
- In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s 1(2), to resolve that the press and members of the public be excluded from following items having regard to the confidential issues to be discussed.
Please see SSDC planning portal for full documentation relating to applications. Please note that the Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee for planning applications and does not make decisions on any application. Recommendations and comments from this Council will be fed to South Somerset District Council which is the Planning Authority and issues the decision notices on all
Confidential Session: Exclusion of the Press & Public – Contractual matters
Katharine Sheehan
Clerk to Misterton Parish Council
07841 116986 or mistertonpc@gmail.com