Misterton PC Agenda 21.06.22
Councillors are summoned to a meeting of the Parish Council
To be held on Tuesday 21st June 2022. 18.30 Misterton WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton
Signed, P Bradly (Chairman)
Important notes for members of the public
This meeting will be voice recorded purely for administration purposes of typing up minutes and will be deleted as soon as minutes are produced.
Public Open Session
10 minute session to give residents the opportunity to indicate interests in the agenda items/put questions to Council that may be answered at a later date/become a future agenda item.
- Apologies for Absence
- Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interest
- Minutes of the meeting 17th March 2022
To review and resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2022 are a true and accurate record
- Matters arising from minutes
- Reports
- Report from District & County Councillors
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Misterton Recreation Field Trust
- Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
a) APPLICATIONS: Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations:
HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 Proposed Diversion of public footpath CH 20/7 in the parish of Misterton
22/01405/REM- Land Off Orchard Way Misterton Crewkerne – Reserved Matters application for approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline approval 19/02398/OUT for the erection of 2 No. dwellings.
- To Consider Emergency procedural measures due to future absence of Clerk for approval by Council
Parish Council to form Working Groups from Councillors and villagers to resolve problems.
Groups to cover
a) Cemetery
b) Roads
c) History & Community
d) Finance
e) Amenities
f) Separate approval to contract accountancy time to maintain our Scribe record of income and expenditure
g) To make necessary arrangements to publish the Accounting statement online once approved and also to submit to PKF Littlejohn.
- To Approve the Job Description for replacement Clerk and make a decision on where to advertise.
- Highways and Footpaths
a) To consider future work of Parish Ranger
b) To consider future application of Speed Indicator Device
- Amenties
a) To note FoMCC has disbanded and handed back to the Parish Council
b) To receive Cemetery Inspection Report
c) To receive update on 5 year headstone check
d) To consider next steps for Cemetery extension planning. Currently approval rejected by Environment
e) To receive update on gatepost project
- Finance & Procedure
a) To consider the report of the Internal Auditor for 21/22
b) To approve the Annual Governance Statements 21/22
c) To approve the Accounts and End of Year Bank Reconciliation 21/22
d) To approve the Accounting Statements 21/22
e) To agree invoices for payment
f) To Approve the annual grant to Misterton Recreation Trust 22/23
g) To note transfer to Unity bank is suspended and a new mandate submitted to HSBC
h) To agree to add Councillor Callow to the mandate:
- Items for the next meeting – to be submitted at least 7 days before the meeting