Misterton PC Agenda 18.10.22

Councillors are summoned to a meeting of the Parish Council

To be held on Tuesday, 18th October 2022, 18.30, @Sue’s Café, The Railway Station

Signed, Paul Bradly (Chairman)

This meeting may be voice recorded purely for administration purposes of typing up minutes and will be deleted as soon as minutes are produced.


Public Open Session
10 minute session to give residents the opportunity to indicate interests in the agenda items/put questions to Council that may be answered at a later date/become a future agenda item.

  1. Apologies for Absence

2. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of the last meetings
To review and resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2022 are a true and accurate record

4. Matters arising from minutes

a. Gate for footpath at Turnpike Green

b. Traffic Survey

c. Air Quality Survey

d. Station Road Development

e. Noticeboard for Recreation Ground

f. WI Hall

g. Parish Council Post Box

h. Bus Shelter Cleaning

i. MERT Banking

j. Printer

5. Reports

a. Report from County Councillor & District Councillor

b. Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Misterton Recreation Field Trust

i. Village Questionnaire including lack of space for activities and warm hubs.

ii. WI Hall – Community Asset registration

c. Working Group Reports

i. Cemetery Working Group

– Chapel Cleaning

– New seat for Cemetery

– Tree Offer

ii. Road Working Group 

  1. Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations

Please see SSDC planning portal for full documentation relating to applications.  Please note that the Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee for planning applications and does not make decisions on any application.  Recommendations and comments from this Council will be fed to South Somerset District Council which is the Planning Authority and issues the decision notices on all applications

a. Applications handled since last meeting


b. Determinations notified by SSDC since last meeting

i. 22/02218/S73A at Catra House 8 Broughtons Drive Misterton – approved

c. New applications to be considered


d. Tree Applications


e. Other Planning Matters

i. 22/02750/PAMB – Mill Farm, Mill Lane – Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use from agricultural to dwelling house(s)

  1. Amenities

a. Misterton School – piano and church pew

8. Highways & Footpaths

9. Remembrance

a. Tommy Statue

b. Remembrance Sunday

11. Finance & Procedure

a. To agree invoices for payment, note regular payments, receipts and bank reconciliation (including budget vs spend update)

12. Items for the next meeting – to be submitted to the Clerk at least seven days ahead of the meeting.

Date of Next meeting – Tuesday 15th November 2022, 6.30pm. Location to be confirmed.

Jane Thicknesse

Clerk to Misterton Parish Council
07841 116986 or mistertonpc@gmail.com