Misterton PC Agenda 17.05.2022
Councillors are summoned to the
Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
To be held on Tuesday, 17th May 2022, 18.30, Misterton WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton to be followed directly by the May monthly meeting of the Parish Council.
Signed, L Stobbs (Clerk)
Important notes for members of the public
- This meeting will be voice recorded purely for administration purposes of typing up minutes and will be deleted as soon as minutes are produced.
AGENDA – Annual Parish Meeting
- Welcome and Introduction – Chairman
- Chairman’s Annual Report (including Annual Report of the Rec Field Trust) – Cllr Iain Rowland
- Approval of the minutes of the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting.
- Annual Report from:
- Friends of Misterton Cemetery Chapel
- Public Open Forum (15 mins)
AGENDA – Annual Meeting of Council
Prior to the Annual Meeting of Council newly elected Parish Councillors to sign Declarations of Acceptance of Office
Registration of Interest forms to be issued, completed and returned
- Nominations for and election of Chairman 2022/23
- Signing of declaration of acceptance of office by Chairman
- Nominations for and election of Vice Chairman 2022/23
- Signing of declaration of acceptance of office by Vice Chairman
- To note apologies for absence.
- To consider co-opting to the vacant position on the Council
- Declarations of acceptance of office: to allow dispensation for any outstanding DOAs to be signed before 21.06.2022
- Declarations of interest of items on the agenda.
- To consider membership of working groups for 2022/23
- To reaffirm Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
- Model LGA code of Conduct: to consider adopting the updated model code of conduct, or to reaffirm existing code of conduct.
- To note that Misterton Parish Council no longer meets the criteria for the General Power of Competence (GPC)
- To review Bank mandate & appoint new signatories.
- To appoint representatives to outside bodies (FOMCC/VILLAGE HALL)
AGENDA – May Meeting of the Parish Council
- Apologies for Absence
- Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interest
- Minutes of the last meetings
To review and resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 19th April 2022 are a true and accurate record - Matters arising from minutes
Numbering was not correct on previous minutes this has been corrected and the new copy has been circulated- This to be signed
- Reports
- Report from Chairman of Owsley and Norris Trust
- Report from County Councillor & District Councillor
- Report from Chairman of the Parish Council & Misterton Recreation Field Trust
Please see SSDC planning portal for full documentation relating to applications. Please note that the Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee for planning applications and does not make decisions on any application. Recommendations and comments from this Council will be fed to South Somerset District Council which is the Planning Authority and issues the decision notices on all applications. |
- Planning including applications currently in circulation/determinations
- 22/01032/HOU – 27 Packers Way Misterton Crewkerne Somerset – Proposed first floor extension and rear two-story extension.
- DETERMINATIONS: None at time of agenda publication
- Highways & Footpaths
- To consider future works for the Parish Ranger.
- To receive an update on speed indicator device.
- Amenities
- To receive the monthly cemetery inspection report.
- To receive an update on the 5-year headstone check.
- To receive an update on the cemetery extension.
- To receive an update on the gateposts project.
- To receive an update on plans for the Queen’s Jubilee.
- To receive reports on the parking situation on Silver Street – Cars blocking road
- To receive reports on missing gate at the end of the footpath leading from Turnpike green to the main road.
- Finance & Procedure
- To agree invoices for payment, note regular payments, receipts and bank reconciliation (including budget vs spend update)
- To receive an update on moving banks.
- To receive insurance quote.
- Items for the next meeting – to be submitted to the Clerk at least seven days ahead of the meeting.
- Next meeting – Tuesday 21st June 2022, 6.30pm at Misterton WI Hall
Louise Stobbs
Clerk to Misterton Parish Council
07841 116986 or mistertonpc@gmail.com